1. Sweet Romance

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You and Xukun were in the kitchen cooking a meal together and you were rushing around to make sure nothing burnt as he chopped the vegetables.

"Ash calm down Bâobèi" He whispered in your ear making you jump because you didn't know he was behind you.

"You scared me Kun" you said.

Placing a hand over your chest, he just chuckled and pecked your forehead sweetly and went back to chopping the vegetables. You took a deep breathe and started moving at a slower pace knowing Xukun he would tell you off if you didn't calm down. You have remained calm for a little but soon started to rush again. Xukun just sighed but let you rush around for a little knowing it would stress you out if you didn't finish it perfectly. Xukun was in the living room setting up the table. You had taken the kimchi stew off the stove and served it up on the plate when you put the pan down you thought you put it on the warm hotplate but you put it on the opposite one so when your hand went down and touched the plate you let our a scream. As soon as the scream left your lips you heard things dropping and saw Xukun sprint into the kitchen with a scared look on his face.

"BAOBAO!!" he yelled as you rushed to the sink, him following behind you.

"What happened?!" He questioned looking at your red swelling hand. You could feel the burning sensation but didn't wanted to cry about something so petty, but gosh did it hurt. After a while of you not answering him considering you completely forgot about his question, he spoke up.

"Ash what happened baobao?" He asked gently grabbing your wrist, he frowned when he saw how bad it had gotten.

You looked onto his eyes as he looked into yours.

"I um......burnt it!" You said a frown sketching its way into your face, he bites his lips in concentration, trying to figure out what will help you the best.

"Keep it under water for me please baobao" he mumbled earning a simple nod from you. At this point you had completely forgotten about dinner itself.

Xukun ran upstairs to grab something for your hand, running a little faster than he should have but you could understand where he was coming from. As soon as he returned he gently wrapped a bandage around your hand, everytime you winced in pain he'd frown and look at you apologetically, muttering things under his breathe which were almost inaudible.

"There you go love" he mumbled before turning your hand over and kissing it softly.

"Please be more careful Tiánxīn" he exclaimed calmly, you smiled softly and got on your tippy toes pecking his cheeks and lips "I promise i will be more careful" you say hearing a quiet but not inaudible sigh escape his pink plump sweet soft lips. 

After you served the food onto the plates, Xukun picked them up on his hands and carried them to the table, setting them down on the place mats which were opposite each other.

"Come sit down baobei" he said pulling your chair out for you, you only giggled and nodded your head in a 'Xiexie' way for which he returned a cheeky smile.

"Lets eat" he said shoving some kimchi in your mouth, you giggled and started eating. You talked, laughed while eating. After dinner Xukun insisted you to sit down and relax while he cleaned up, you were hesitant at first but he told you if you didn't you wouldn't get kisses for a week, ofcourse Xukun couldn't go that long without your lips connecting to his but you gave in anyway.

You sat on the couch and placed your head on the arm of it watching Xukun clean, you smiled softly watching your boyfriend intently. He looked over at you and smiled widely making you blush knowing you'd been caught red handed staring at him.

When he had finished cleaning he came and sat down next to you, pulling you into his lap and nuzzling his face into your hair and closing his eyes letting out a breathe before pecking your temple. You smiled at his gesture and snuggled into his side closing your eyes and relaxing into his touch. You felt your eyes getting heavy and tried to keep them open.

"Go to sleep Tianxin"  he whispered in your ear, pulling you closer to his body, you smile weakly and went to bed.

You could feel yourself moving and groaned hearing a soft chuckle.

"Sshh baobao its okay, i'm just moving us to the bedroom" he said replying to your unspoken question, you nodded slowly and grabbed onto his shirt.

As soon you got to the bedroom, Xukun placed you on the bed and kissed your forehead before tucking you in. You started getting worried because you didnt feel the bed dip.

"Baobei i'm just getting changed" he whispered obviously knowing you missed his presence, his touch, body, lips, warmth and just him in general. You felt the bed dip and rolled over onto your side and opened your eyes slightly seeing his beautiful grey eyes watching you, he smiled shyly and blushed.

"Sorry Ash i couldn't help but look at you" he said placing his hands on either side of your face, running his thumb over your cheek. "You're just so beautiful" he continued leaning down so your forehead were grazing against one another's.

"I love your eyes, lips, legs, hair but I love YOU more than anything in the world" he says softly resting your noses together. You sucked in a breathe and stared into his emerald eyes.

"Ash I will never let you go, I want to see you walking down the isle meeting me at the end, i want to say 'I do', I want the whole world to know that you're mine, I see you holding our future children, I want to grow old with you and watch our future children grow up and become parents, Ash i'm in love with you and everytime we kiss I can't help but feel the luckiest man alive and seeing you in my future makes me look forward to everyday ahead of me....us" he whispers tears forming in both our eyes. You closed your eyes and craned your neck forward acing your lips together ever so slightly.

"Xukun I dont want you in my future, I need you in it because you have made my life so special and i cant wait for the future we have together" you said against his lips. You felt him smile against your lips.

"Im going to ask you to be mine one day Ash" he whispered before kissing you briefly and pulling you closer to him, which you happily obliged and snuggled into his bare chest. You could feel his chest rising and falling, your hand gently plays with his long beautiful fingers hearing him sigh in contempt. Your eyes started to drop against as he played with your hair.

"Wân'ān wō de tiānshî, I will be here when you wake....I'll always be here" he whispered against your forehead before turning the light off and resting his head on yours, both of you fall asleep listening to each others heartbeats.

~~~soooo how was it? Did you like it? I'll try to write more better^^~~~

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