55. Wake Up Sunshine

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"Wake Up, Sunshine"

Xukun absolutely loves mornings.

Especially those warm morning where he doesn't get woken up by the blaring alarm by his ear. He loves the mornings where a familiar warm body is pressed into his chest, light snores in his ear, legs sprawled on his own causing blissful shudders to shake his shoulders. He loves the hands sleepily wandering his torso, he even loves the long hair in his mouth from the girl who's head is tucked into his neck.

Xukun doesn't know what to expect every night when they fall asleep. He thinks that's the best part of falling in love with her. Usually, his girl and him end up in the same position at night after a couple minutes of exchanging words about their day. She rests her head on his shoulder with an arm draped over his torso, leg latched to his hip. It takes her a while to fall asleep but with one of Xukun's hands on her lower back, rubbing circles into her hot skin (that slowly makes its way down to her bum), she's gone to dreamland in before Xukun.

However, when they wake up, it's a different story. He doesn't know whether his beautiful girl will be next him, on top of him, or laying face first on the floor because of how much she tosses around in her sleep. He's often forced awake in the middle of the night due to the small girl smacking her arm across his face or kneeing him where he shouldn't be kneed (lmao)  while desperately searching for the right position. Usually, he finds it amusing with the exception of the day he found her bum pressed directly to his crotch.

Today, Xukun opens his eyes to find a tuft of hair in his face, mouth, nose, basically everywhere. Her head is resting on Xukun's collarbone, hand fisting the material of his thin shirt, breathing heavily as if her nose is blocked. Her mouth is slightly open causing warm air to hit Xukun's goosebumps on his skin.

Now, Xukun has learned his lesson from the numerous times he has found himself in this unfortunate situation. He's far too smart to push her away all together (mainly because of the terrible mood she's in when she's awoken too early) and takes a couple seconds to remove the hair from his mouth. With a gentle hand under her chin, he slowly maneuvers her head back onto her own pillow.

This movement causes the girl to whine from the back of her throat, eyebrows scrunching up more than they already do when she sleeps. Her head lifts up from the pillow, hair sticking to the fabric as her sleepy eyes blink open. Her eyes search for Xukun's and when she finds his wide brown orbs, her expression grows annoyed.

Xukun should be swearing under his breath, devising ways to calm her down before she explodes on him. He can probably sing her back to sleep or apologize profusely to her, however the sight in front of him is too precious of him to forget. He decides it's okay to let her be cranky this morning.

Her drowsy eyes are half open, cheeks puffed out, and a mark running down her face from the little bulging patterns on Xukun's shirt. Her mouth is fully pouted, with her bottom lip jutting outwards significantly, resembling a young school girl who simply does not want to go to school. All in all, she looks irritated at Xukun for waking her up and by the way her frown only deepens, the boy knows he's in for an earful.

"Good morning, baobei," he begins, a fond smile growing on his lips when his pretty girl rubs her eye with a sweater paw. She yawns and stretches her limbs before returning her exasperate gaze on her smitten boyfriend.

The first words she utters are: "Why am I awake?"

Xukun breathlessly laughs and moves his body closer to hers, taking her face in his hands. He gently caresses her cheeks with the pads of his thumb and stares into her sleepy eyes, the grin on his lips only deepening his dimples. He places his own head against her neck, brushing his lips against her skin, mumbling, "I might have woken you up."

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