52. The Dangerous Series pt 2

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Two months after Xukun’s violent encounter with Zhengting, Ash and Xukun have been working on Xukun’s temper. 

It wasn’t going so well—still coming home with bloody hands, cut knuckles, and covered in the remaining sweat. He was growing more frustrated with himself as time went on. He’s tried desperately to walk away from a situation that fucked up his temper, but right as he’d walk away, every part of his body would go into fury and all he did from then on seemed out of his control. 

Ash was always disappointed, but always stayed with him and defended him in any way that she could. She had never given up on him, not even for a second.

“You’re the sweetest man I know” she’d always say, with his favorite smile on her, “I’ll always love you. You just have to get through this.”

And oh, how badly did he want to. Not even just for Ash, but for himself.

“Just a bit more scotch” Xukun grumbles to the bartender, sliding his glass toward him.

He hasn’t been drinking much because he knows what alcohol does to him in abundance. But for the past three days, Ash had been spending a few days with her sister—which ultimately lead him to a local bar with the guys. 

And as much as he wants to be enjoying his time, he wants nothing more than to be left alone. It’s been a particularly hard week for him and being surrounded by people he certainly didn’t want to have stand in his way isn’t making it any better. 

He sips on his drink as the boys mingle mindlessly and drunkenly.. Xukun scoffs lightly, quickly diverting his attention to the vibrating phone in his back pocket. Quickly sliding it out, he sees Ash’s name. 

Just left. See you soon! 

He smiles, immediately texting back saying that he’ll be waiting for her at home.

It had only been three days without Ash, but he misses her terribly. He’d spent nearly everyday comforted in her company for two years. He misses how he is with her—so delicate and true. She’s the only person to bring that out of him, how could he not miss that? 

Xukun is about to give his farewells until Ziyi stooped him while grabbing his jacket.

“Xukun? Xukun!” Ziyi says, pushing onto his shoulder.

Xukun shakes his head slightly, “Uh- yeah? Yeah? What’s up?”

“Isn’t that Ash’s ex?”

Xukun’s head snaps to where Ziyi is pointing. He already feels his fingers clench to fists and his jaw becoming tense.

Hell no, not him. Xukun’s supposed to be getting better—he’s supposed to be making an effort to help himself. He hasn’t been doing that well, but he hasn’t fought since Ash left and he wanted it to stay that way. 

But he has to. Although Mark had stopped harassing Ash since Xukun stepped in, something inside of him is igniting with every passing second he spends staring at him. He’s threatened her one too many times, leading her to nights filled with so much fear she genuinely couldn’t fall asleep without Xukun being beside her. 

And there’s absolutely no way he can ignore it. This is much more than Xukun acting on his anger—this is Xukun acting solely on the protectiveness he possesses over his Ash. 

So without much thought, Xukun pushes himself off the barstool, eyes now a shadow of dark brown and jaw so clenched he almost seems like a completely different person 

“Mate, mate. Calm down” Ziyi orders, standing in front of him and putting his hands on his chest as a way to hold him back. “He hasn’t spoken to her in a while, yeah? That’s in the past, man. Ash wouldn’t want you to do thi—“

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