23. Fight

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You woke up in the morning, noticing that your boyfriend wasn’t asleep next to you. You were about to get up and check the living room and kitchen to see if he’s there, but then you remembered that he left the night before after a huge fight that you two had. You instantly felt your eyes watering, but you held in your tears and got up to take a shower.

You finished your shower after ten minutes and walked out of the bathroom, noticing that your boyfriend wasn’t back yet. You sighed and chewed on your lower lip, wondering where he might be. Maybe he’s with one of the boys. You took out some clothes and put them on, before blow-drying your hair quickly.

You grabbed your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number, debating whether you should call him or not. Seconds later, you decided to call him. You pressed the phone to your ear as it rang, but he didn’t answer. You tried again – once, twice, thrice – nothing. You chewed on your lip nervously, afraid that something might have happened to him. You tried to convince yourself that he might be still asleep, but that didn’t work. You called the first person that came to your mind; Chengcheng. After three rings, he answered, “Hello?”

“Cheng, um, hey, I was wondering if Xukun is with you right now?”

“Xukun? No, why?”

“Oh,” you started fidgeting with your fingers. “just asking. Thanks, anyway. Talk to you later,” you hung up and dialed Justin’s number instead.

You asked him the same question, and he said that he didn’t see him.

Then you decided to call Zheng.

“Hello, Ash, how are you doing on this very fine da—”

“Is Xukun with you?” you cut him off, not meaning it in a rude way. You were just too worried about Xukun, and you just wanted to get to the point.

“No, he isn’t. Is everything okay? You don’t seem fine,” he said in a concerned tone. Zhengting was like a brother to you, and he always knew if something’s wrong just by hearing your voice.

“No, last night, Xukun and I- we-” you sighed, not knowing how to explain it and not even having the ability to speak because you were literally shaking and on the verge of tears. You didn’t know where Xukun was, and all the bad thoughts about him instantly flashed in your mind; he could be with a girl, he could be passed out in the park or the streets, or he even could be dead. You quickly hung up as the tears started to escape your eyes, and tried your best to hold them in, but you couldn’t.

After twenty minutes of crying, you couldn’t take it anymore. You wiped away your tears and washed your face to calm down, which worked a little bit. You tried calling Xukun again, but he didn’t answer. You started pacing around the room, thinking of places that he could be at.

Right then, you heard the door open, footsteps of someone walking in, and then it closed. You quickly went to see if it’s Xukun, and there he was; taking off his shoes and going to the living room, not even bothering to look at you. When you first saw him, you wanted to walk up to him and hug him, but all you wanted to do now was punch him for not answering your calls and for acting like a dick when he came back.

You followed him to the living room. “Where were you?”

“And why do you even care?” he spat, glaring up at you from the couch.

“Because I’m your girlfriend! You left last night and didn’t come back until now, and when I tried calling you, you ignored my calls!”

“I was at Justin’s,” he said simply, not looking at you.

“Oh, of course,” you said sarcastically, “because that exactly why when I called Justin he told me that you weren’t with him!”

He didn’t reply. He just huffed as he ran his fingers through his hair. It was obvious that he was angry and was trying to hold in his anger; you could see it, but you were too angry to care.

“You could’ve at least sent me a fucking text telling me that you’re fine! Unless you were shoving your dick into a whore’s vagina, then that would explain a lot!”

And that made him lose it. He got up and glared at you. “I don’t fucking cheat! I could’ve done that, but I knew that if I did it, I’ll lose you!”

“Then why did you fucking lie?!”

“Why are you treating me like I’m your fucking son and not your boyfriend?!” he yelled back, throwing his phone, that he was already holding in his hand, against the wall, causing it to break into pieces. You flinched at the sound of the phone breaking, feeling a bit scared. You’ve never seen Xukun this angry.

“If you didn’t lie, or didn’t even ignore me in the first place, things wouldn’t have been this way between us right now,” you said, your voice shaking as you felt the tears form in your eyes again.

“I was at my mother’s,” he said and turned to walk to the bedroom.

“And is this the truth or some other lie?”

And the next thing you heard was the sound of something crashing and then saw the tiny pieces of the vase scattered on the floor.

You hated it when people break things when they’re angry, especially Xukun, because it makes you look weak and cry. You covered your mouth as you tried not to let out a sob, feeling the tears running down your cheeks.

Xukun turned around. “I told you, I was—” he stopped when he saw you crying, and his face instantly softened.

“Ash… Oh, God, baby, I’m so sorry,” he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you as he pulled you to his chest, which resulted in making you cry harder.

“I’m so, so sorry,” he apologized again, kissing the top of your head. “It’s just that… after what happened last night, I couldn’t think straight… I promise you I was at my mum’s. I’m sorry.”

You nodded slightly and you both calmed down after a few minutes. You pulled back from the hug, wiping away your tears as he kissed your forehead.

“I love you, okay?” he said, and you smiled faintly, replying, “Yeah, I love you too.”

~~~I really really don't know what i just wrote "-_- But babam long time no update :3 Have you guys seen his Papillion perf? It was hell of a lit 🔥 ENJOY~~~

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