32. This Is What Love Feels Like

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You wake up thinking you’re in your room. The curtains are closed, so it’s still dark in the room.  You turn your head to the left bumping your head into Xukun’s shoulder, which startles you. You must have fallen asleep through horror movie. 

“Your awake,” Xukun whispers in a tired voice. 

“Mhmm, very,” Xukun turns his head to look at you. 

“What’s the time?” you look over at the clock hanging above the tv, “only 6.”

His hair is a mess, spiking up all over the place and bags under his eyes, BUT DAMN HE’S STILL HOT. He moves his body towards you and you feel his hands wrap around yours, so you move your other hand up his arm, sliding your hands up and down. You close your eyes and look up at the wall. You feel his lips kissing your neck, and you find yourself gliding your hands through his hair as he does. 

“Baby,” he whispers as he kisses each part of your neck vertically, then to your lips. His soft warm lips touching yours, and you slowly kissing him back, one of your hands cupping his cheek, the other wrapped around his neck.  He gives you one last small peck on the lips, then kisses your nose then your forehead. He holds on to your hand.

“I’ll never let go,” he says with a smile that shows his teeth, then slowly lets go.

“Noooo,” you say, half laughing at him. You stand, only to be pulled back by Xukun’s hand.

“Where do you think your going?” he says pulling you back so that you fall onto him.

“Breakfast?” you grin.

“It’s only six, just come cuddle with me for a while,” he says wrapping your his arms around you.

“I love you, Ash,” he says, rubbing his thumb on your arm.

“I love you too Kunkun,” you smile at him, giving him a kiss. Another beautiful, magical kiss full of fireworks and wonderful explosions.

And this is what love feels like. 

~~~Just know that i died while writting this 😱💜~~~

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