17. I'm Home

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You felt a head snuggle against the back of your neck leaving light kisses there as well.

“Xukun” you muttered reaching an arm behind you.

“Good morning,” you rolled over wrapping your arms around him smiling to yourself. 

“When did you get home,” you asked your voice hoarse from sleep.

“I just got home,” he smiled wrapping his arms tightly around you.

“I’m sleepy,” he said closing his eyes, “what time is it,” you reached for your phone, 

“It’s four AM, Kun” you whined, 

“Go back to sleep,” he giggled leaning forward to kiss your nose, he reached behind your head to pull it against his chest. You whined, but held him closer to you, 

“I missed you,” you smiled saying it against his chest, 

“I missed you more,” he muttered tiredly.

“Let’s sleep and talk when we wake up,” he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead his eyes closing afterward, you held him tightly like he’d disappear if you didn’t. 

“Wo ai ni” you mumbled. 

“Wo ye ai ni” he laughed out his eyes still closed, his hand rubbing soft circles against your back.

~~~UwU its cuteeeee!!! This was made by a friend of mine she's a BAP fan and she wanted to write this on Youngjae but also gave me to write on Xukun! Enjoy~~~

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