30. Pause Time

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“Who do you like?” Xukun asks, which causes you to blush, you turn your face away from him, hiding your face. 

“Someone,” you whisper. You weren’t going to tell Xukun that it was him that you were crushing on. 

“Well now I have to know, tell me!” 


“Is it Zhengting?,” he asks. You don’t say anything, and you see his expression has changed to being slightly worried, “It is, isn’t it?”

“No it isn’t him,” you say.

“Is your crush in this room?” Xukun asks.

“It’s gonna be really obvious then,” you realise that you just gave it away. He looks around the room, calling out random names.

“Why do you want to know so badly?” you say laughing at how desperate he is to find out who you like. 

“I’m curious,” he shrugs. 

“Okay then, keep guessing. I’m not gonna tell you.”

“Pleeeaaassseee tell me!” he please. You shake your head no. 

“Why not? I’ll tell you who I like,” he says, sounding like a 5 year old. But that offer was convincing, you did want to know who he liked, but you knew that it wouldn’t be you.

“Sorry, nope,” you say out of fear of being hurt. 

“Will a little bit of bribery convince you?” he says with a grin.

You laugh, “Depends, how much.”

“Damn, I’m broke,” he says laughing, “why won’t you tell me?”

“I know that you won’t like me back,” you say, only then realising what you just said. You don’t hear what he says because you just run. You feel his hand pull you back, and you fall into his arms like a classic move scene. 

“I like you too,” he says.

“What?” you ask, are you really hearing this? 

“I like you Ash, I really like you,” he repeats. Then you realised what’s about to happen, your going to kiss. The first touch of his lips on yours is like a fire starting. It’s one of those moments where you never ever want it to end. One of those moments where you want to pause time.

~~~Sorry that it was so short 😭 It was lame tho. But did ya'll saw the news about Kunkun's Trial today? He got countersued damn that company i hope it goes bankrupt. And also i want to write a ff on Zhu Zhengting and Fan Chengcheng also some other trainees too soon 😊 Enjoy IKUNs~~~

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