20. Movie Date

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You walk into the movie theater, reluctance making you drag your feet, although you're secretly very excited. Reluctance because you gave in and agreed to watch that stupid Life of Pets movie instead of the much cooler movie you wanted. And excitement because you'll be watching the movie with your crush, Cai Xukun.

You check your texts again. Xukun said he arrived five minutes ago, and he's still in line for popcorn. You look up, scanning the food buying area until you spot him. He's paying already.

"Hey Kun!" you call out, walking over. "Get me a popcorn!" There's a looong line behind him and you're not getting into it.

"Too late," he says, turning around and exiting the line. He holds up a bag of popcorn. "It's okay though, I got a large. I will allow you to take a piece or two."

You give him a big, fake smile. "Your generosity astounds me," you say sarcastically.

He mirrors your smile. "I know, I'm a saint."

You reach over and grab a handful of popcorn. "Hey!" he says indignantly, reaching out a hand to retrieve his stolen goods, but you jump away, laughing.

"I'm sorry, did you want this back?" You chuck a piece at him, pegging him on the forehead. Bullseye. You do a victory dance.

Xukun growls playfully and grabs a couple pieces of popcorn, aiming for your face. You duck, but one of them bounces off your head anyway. You throw a last piece at him and tear off down the hallway.

Xukun chases you down and catches up to you just as you both arrive at the door of your assigned theater. You quickly down the rest of your handful of popcorn, munching happily as he glowers. "Mmm, buttery, thanks Kun!" You look over his shoulder. In his hurry to catch up he spilled popcorn out of the bag all over the hallway. "Nice job," you remark, pointing.

He turns to look. "Oops." He turns back, and for a second you look at each other. "Hey Ash," he says, grinning.

"Hey Kun." You grin back. You've almost forgotten that this is the first time in a while that you're seeing him in person. Your friendship has developed so much over text that talking to him for real just feels natural and ordinary. Still, you appreciate being able to see him in the flesh, actually experience the hilarious height difference, hear his voice, and hey, he smells good, too.

"Well, let's watch this movie, shall we?" He gestures to the theater door.

You sigh dramatically, remembering the stupid cartoon you're about to watch. "I'm so not excited. Only for you, Kun."

He seems pleased with himself. "After you," he says in mock politeness. You walk in and he follows you to your seats in the back of the theater. The hookup row, you can't help but think. But hey, you didn't pick these seats, he did. And it was probably a good choice, because knowing him, he'll talk disruptively through the entire movie.

The trailers are still going, and that cartoon he keeps texting you about comes on. He gets visibly excited. "That's the movie I was talking about! Looks sick, right?"

"Mmmhm," you say without passion. Xukun and his cartoons....He blabbers on. "We're watching that next. Soon. Maybe right after this we watch that." As he talks you quickly google it. "Oh my god, chill, it comes out in like two weeks."

He shrugs. "Okay, fine, two weeks. It's a date."

"Um - that's not - okay..." you stutter, torn between your nervousness at the word "date" and your eagerness to see him as much as possible. In typical Ash fashion, you quickly change the subject. "You're hogging the popcorn. I want some." You hold out your hand expectantly.

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