41. The Dating Thing

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After Xukun confessed his feelings for you, you were of course ecstatic. Xukun likes you back! You guys have been dating for a week, and it feels like you two are strangers. He keeps avoiding you, and when you try to create plans, he would always say he was busy. You thought that maybe he didn’t like you anymore, could that be a possibility? After only a week of dating you guys would be done? You tried to persuade yourself that you are just overthinking it. Maybe there was a proper reason for why he was acting like this. You didn’t want to seem like the clingy girlfriend, but you knew that the only way to find out whether he still liked you or not was to ask him straight up. 

You text Xukun informing him that you were heading to his place. 

‘Could he be cheating on me?’ you think all of a sudden but push that thought away. 

You knock on the door of his house and hope that he’s home. You finally figure that you probably should’ve asked him if he was home before you came. You hear footsteps approaching the door, and the door knob turns and opens to luckily reveal Xukun.

“Hey Kunkun,” you smile at him, trying to figure out how to bring the topic up.

“Hey. How have you been?” he looks nervous, is there something he’s hiding? You look down at you shoes taking a quick breath, then look back at his gorgeous brown eyes. 

“I’ve been doing good. What about you? ”

“Yeah great. It feels like I haven’t seen you in so long.”

“Yeah. I came here because I wanted to ask you something,” you say slowly.


“Ever since we started..you know, dating, it’s like you’ve been avoiding me. Are we okay?”

“Yeah, of course we are,” he pauses, “Honestly Ash, I have never dated anyone, and I don’t know. I’m just not good at the whole dating thing.”

“Really? I thought you would have a thousand girls swarming after you. I mean look at you…” you say gesturing your hands towards him, “Your…you.”

He smiles lightly, “Thanks.”

“To be honest, who is good at the whole dating thing?” you grin.

~~~Ya'll probably thought he'd cheat on Ash 😅😂 he's just not experienced. But hope you guys have fun reading~~~

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