10. Need

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(This is the last part of the the series 'Because I Love You' enjoy)


It’s the first thing Ash wakes up to, Xinyi’s outraged voice echoing along the walls of Ash’s bedroom.

Ash groans, squinting her eyes open at the sudden movement of her bed shaking wildly.

Xinyi’s pulling the stranger out of Ash’s bed, her merciless hands continuously pushing him out the bedroom door. He’s half awake, his slumberous daze making him scramble as he attempts to throw his clothes back on.

“Fuckin’ Jesus” the unknown man grumbles, his eyes still half closed from the immense amount of alcohol he consumed the previous night.

Xinyi remains relentless, despite his attempt to get fully dressed. He even falls at one point, when he hops on one foot to get his leg through his jeans, but she doesn’t stop for a second.

You, get out of here!” she demands, her hand giving him one last shove out the door before she slams it shut.

Ash groans again, her sensitivity to anything other than complete darkness and silence making her throw the duvets over her head and bury her face in her pillow. She’s well aware that she has to embrace the very few seconds she has of total peace and quiet before Xinyi begins to lecture her for the irresponsibility she just walked into.

She’s only able to reunite with darkness for a split second before Xinyi pulls the covers completely off of her, bringing her back into the horrifying sunlight.

Ash falls off the bed, letting out a groan as her still slightly intoxicated body makes contact with the wooden floor. Her hungover state is making it nearly impossible to figure out the chaos unraveling in the room; all she can really understand is the pounding in her head and the burning in her eyes every time she exposes them from their lids.

She rolls over onto her back, huffing as her fingers dig into her eyelids. She coughs, her abrupt movements making her stomach flip with every turn she makes. She’s given no time to recover before Xinyi rips her arms away from her face, gripping onto her wrists as she pulls Ash off of the floor.

“What the fuck is going on here, Ash?!” Xinyi yells, eyes glaring at Ash’s very, very hungover stance.

Ash nearly trips over her own two feet as she attempts to balance herself after Xinyi harshly pulled her up from her collapsed figure. If she had the capability to answer back, she would have, but she’s still fucked up from last night and can barely stomach the sunlight seeping in from the curtains.

“Is this what you’ve been up to?!” Xinyi spits, angry laughter tying into her words, “Is this the kind of shit you’ve been doing while cutting everyone off?! Sleeping with random guys?!”

The last thing Xinyi expected to see was Ash in bed with a half-naked man and empty bottles of alcohol scattered across her bedroom floor. It was extremely rare for Ash to carelessly consume alcohol and have consistent one night stands. Xinyi’s witnessed her go through these phases only a handful of times throughout their friendship, all of which stemmed from Ash’s toxic intolerance of being alone.

She should have seen this coming, though. After finding out she’s been in a relationship with someone Ash was in love with, the first thing she should have done was check up on her. But there was so much fear holding her back, so much guilt preventing her from confronting her about it.

She wouldn’t know exactly what to say, or how to say it, without making it sound like she was the shittiest friend in the world. She had a feeling Ash had feelings for Xukun, considering she had mentioned him a plethora of times once she met him.

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