22. Ice Skating

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You walk into the ice skating rink. It was a typical summers day outside; extremely hot. Stepping into the rink was an amazing feeling. It was nice and cold especially after being in the hot weather for so long. 

Your hand accidentally slides past Xukun’s hands for a while, and that can’t help but putting a small smile onto your lips. You hire your skates, and place them on. Surprisingly, a perfect fit. You had skated a few times in your life, but you were definitely not a professional. 

You step onto the ice, still holding onto the sides. You slide your skates on the ice once, and you know that you are going to fall. Xukun blasts off ahead of you. 

“Um, wow? Since when was Cai Xukun this good at skating?” you say in shock. He was an amazing skater. And it was satisfying watching him quickly skate round the rink. 

“Well, we both do ice hockey,” Zhengting says. 

“How did I not know that? Wow!” you say, yours eyes still locked on Xukun. You watch his skates speed across the ice like it’s not hard at all. He finished his second lap of the rink, and slides back to where you and Zhengting were. 

“Where did that come from,” you ask with a grin on your lips. 

“Oh you know, just a natural,” he gives you that beautiful smile, which causes you to nearly lose your balance. But you were still holding onto the sides. 

“You okay there?” he asks with a laugh.

“Nearly lost my balance there,” you smile. You slowly move your skates along the ice, barely actually skating. You notice Xukun watching you from the corner of your eyes, but you try your hardest not to notice it, because it’s just making you more nervous than you are now. 

You let go of the sides, and attempt to properly skate, but before you know it you feel yourself falling, but you fall into someone’s arms around you before you do. You turn around to see Zhengting. 

“Perfect timing,” he says. 

“You saved my life!” you say sarcastically with a smirk, “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” he smiles. 

“Hey, where’d Xukun go? He was here a second ago,” you say looking around for him, but spot him a few metres ahead of you. 

“He’s all the way done there,” he says, looking at Xukun.

“He’s fast.”

“You need help with skating?” he asks. 

“Ah yes! I’m horrible.”

“You’re not too bad”.

“Yeah, no,  I’m horrible,” you laugh, and find your gaze unintentionally back at Xukun without even trying. To your surprise, he’s looking back at you, but he doesn’t have any sort of emotion anywhere. You give him a small smile, but he just skates off.‘What did I do to piss him off?’ you think. 

“You like him?” Zhengting says with a grin. 

“Uh, what, what are you talking about? I don’t like…? Um,” you stutter.

Zhengting laughs, “Yeah, sure you don’t, it’s so obvious.”

“Oh. Is it really that obvious?”

“Very. For me anyway,” he responds.

“For you? Why?” you ask curious. 

“I just know these things, you could say…I’m cupid. I’m good at noticing these things.”

“I see,” you smile, “but he probably hates me.”

“Why are you guys so blind? Trust me, he doesn’t hate you,” he chuckles, which sends hope through you. But you still aren’t sure of it, “Go talk to him.”

“And what exactly do I say?” 


“What, and do I chase him around the rink or something?” you laugh, and he laughs back.

“Yeah, if that’s what has to be done,” he grins.

“Sure,” you smile, and to that you attempt to skate like a normal person would. 

After an hour of skating around the rink, you notice how much better you had become. You had gained more speed, and you felt like you had something accomplished. Even though you were still horrible, you could at least skate without having to hold onto the sides. 

Xukun overlaps you for the billionth time, but this time, you call for his name. You watch as he skids to a stop, and glides towards you. 

“Yeah?” he smiles, except the smile seemed so…forced? 

“Uh, um. Hey,” you open your mouth, and try to find a way to say something, but it doesn’t happen. You just struggle to say things, and its just comes out as this weird jumble of words. 

“Hey,” he laughs, “you’ve gotten so much better at skating.”

“Thanks, but I’ll never be as good as you.”

“Thanks Ash, but don’t deny the fact that your amazing,” he smiles. 

You look down at your skates, hiding your smile. 

“God,” he whispers. You look up at him.


“I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

You lips immediately transform into a smile, which you can’t control. Your cheeks boil up, he called you beautiful

“Thank you,” you whisper barely able to make out any proper words. 

“Ash, can I tell you something?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“I like you, and I always have. I don’t know, I just wanted to tell you. Even if you’re into Zheng. I just want you to know that.”

“I’m not into Zheng,” you say confused, but happy and excited at the same time. You could feel your stomach doing these excited flips in your stomach. He LIKES YOU, “I like you, Xukun, no one else.”

“What? What about all that laughing and…”

“That was nothing,” you smile at him. The next things you knew, you were kissing. It wasn’t something you had expected. Your crushes never liked you back, it was always just a one way thing, where you like them, and they liked some other beautiful, funny girl. Someone that was the opposite of you. You watched all of these moments that would happen in movies, but it never happened in real life. But now now it was all happening. 

You seperate from the kiss, and nearly stumble back. He was still holding onto you, so when you fell, he fell. 

You both laugh, “Whoops,” you grin. He doesn’t say anything, he just kisses you again. In the middle of a ice skating rink. In front of everyone. But for the first time, it really didn’t matter anymore what other people thought. Because you just wanted that moment to happen like it was happening then, and there. 

~~~babababambabam 😂 another update yey 💃 I started writing another story on Xukun, do visit my profile to read it ^^ Enjoy~~~

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