28. A Nerd

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Cai Xukun was popular, yes, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You didn’t want to crush on him, yet you did. You felt that he didn’t like you, and there was this other girl that you were sure that he likes. She was pretty, popular, funny. She had everything nearly perfect. She was one of those girls where ‘all the guys wanted to date, and the girls wanted to be.’ 

The thing that kept you crushing on Xukun was hope. You always had hope that even when the little things happened, that maybe there was a chance he liked you back. You were shy, and when you were around him, or talked to him, you were a complete and utter mess. 

You are walking in the hallways. When you walk pass Xukun, the first thing you notice is that Xinyi is walking next to Xukun. They are walking very close to each other, and you can see that Xinyi is pretty much holding his hand. Of course. It had to be Xinyi. You couldn’t believe for a second that maybe it was you that he liked. You pass him, give him a awkward smile, which he exchanges.


You hear the sound of your phone going off when someone sends you a text message. You find the pocket of your jacket, and grab your phone out of your pocket. It was from Xukun. 

‘Hey, you okay Ash?’ He sent. You text back writing, ‘I’m fine, why?’ And you almost immediately receive a message back. ‘You seemed awkward haha.’ ‘Haha :),’ you send, not knowing at all what to reply to that. Obviously you were awkward. Every time you were around him you never knew what to say, and you just kept stumbling on your words. ‘Want to go on a walk? I’m bored. And need the exercise ;)’, he texts you, at which you reply with, ‘Sure 😂 but you’re killing that 6 pack.’


You meet each other at the park, and when you arrive there, he gives you a hug. Which was a huge surprise, but it was nice. 


“How’s everything?” he asks you.

“It’s great,” you say, taking a sip from your water bottle.

“Your love life?” he grins, which causes you to nearly choke on your water. 

You cough, “What?” 

“You okay there?” he laughs, then repeats, “Your love life?”

“Oh yep, fine, great. I’ve had loads of boyfriends,” you say with a hint of sarcasm, “how’s yours been?”

“I’m sure there has been for you,” you didn’t think he got your sarcasm, “Well, I’m single and have been for a while.“

You laugh, “What about Xinyi?” He looks at you, his face turned serious, he was obviously confused.

“What about Xinyi?” 

“I thought.. I thoooo, but the, she was,” you stop talking realising how weird you sound.

“She’s always up in my face, it gets annoying…” he says sliding his hands into his pockets. 


“Well…um. I think I should go back home. It’s kinda pointless now.”

“What’s pointless?” you ask, very confused.

“I wanted to tell you something, but now I know the answer.”

“What? What is it?”

“Never mind, it was nothing,” he says, giving you an awkward smile.  

“No tell me,” you ask him. You were confused. What on earth would he be talking about? Was it what you thought? Or were you overthinking everything? There was a silence. You could tell that Xukun was deciding whether to tell you or not. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“You’ve got all these guys going after you, and…I.”

“What? Why would guys be wishing they were with me? I’m a… nerd. You’re this popular, sweet guy that I swear every girl in school wants to date. I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I don’t want them. I want you.”

~~~I'm sorry i don't know what i just wrote. And its short too. I'll write the next one better than this one hopefully atleast. Enjoy~~~

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