35. Just Do It

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Your friends are always trying to push you to make a move with your crush Cai Xukun…but you are always too scared to actually do it. 

Your walking past the group, and you try your hardest to ignore Xukun, who’s sitting with his group. 

“GO! I wouldn’t be surprised if he liked you back,” she says pushing you towards his group.

“No! I’m not doing it…he probably doesn’t like me back anyway,” you say looking straight in front of you, and completely ignoring the group as best as you can. Yeri pushes you once towards the group, and you push back walking away. 

“JUST DO IT,” she pretty much screams at you, then she searches the group that says; “XUKUN! ASH HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!” Yeri screams out to him.

“OH. MY. GOD YERI. What the hell are you doing?” you whisper to Yeri, seeing Xukun’s shadow walking towards you. 

“You’ll thank me later,” she says walking away from you, and you mouthing no to her. 

“What did you want to tell me?” you hear Xukun’s voice behind you. Which you freeze for a second, turn around, and smile. Your face burning bright red, heart pounding out of your chest and your stomach spinning around like a washing machine. 

“Um, nothing…Yeri’s just being…Yeri. Sorry,” you say giving him awkward smile. You gaze is looking to a wall behind you guys. 

“I saw her attempt,” he says with a giant grin, “Would you like to go out with me? Maybe the museum?”

“Wait..what? Your asking me out?”

“Yes off course, who else would I ask?” 

Timeskip >>> museum

Your walking through the museum with Xukun. You absolutely love museums, all the history behind everything and how ancient things are. 

Xukun has an arm around your shoulder, you are both talking about how much you love museums, bonding over all the little things.  How close you guys have gotten in the past hour. 

You walk to a small nearly empty room with a few pieces of art in it. You walk very close to each other when you feel his hands crawl up under yours, and he’s holding your hands, and you hold his back. A smile creeps onto your lips, and you look at him, and he’s looking back at you. Without a word, you find your lips on his. 

~~~This was probably the bad one 😶~~~

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