21. Surprise

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It was one of those cold, rainy days, where you were only in the mood to sit in your room with the heater on and a movie playing. You were half way through your all-time favourite chick flick; Mean Girls. 

You were alone in your house, and like always, missing Xukun. He was 2000 miles away from you. It was a horrible thought, thinking that he was so far away from you. You wouldn’t get to cuddle together, kiss, hold hands. It was something you missed so much. Even the fact the you couldn’t see his face in person. It was just the two of you behind a computer screen. 

You missed being with him. You would never stop loving him, no matter how far away from each other you were. 


You hear the door bell ring, interrupting you from your favourite scene in the movie. You were all cuddled up in your blankets, contemplating whether you should just leave whoever was at the door there for a while, but you realise it was a horrible idea, in case it was something important. 

You pull yourself out of your bed, bringing with you one of your blankets, which you wrapped around yourself. You feel the coldness, as you walk out of your room, and even though you were practically a burrito, all wrapped up in your blanket, it was still freezing cold. Shivering, you quickly tip toe your way to the front door, and pull the door open. 

“Hey,” Xukun says standing at your door. You drop the blanket which was wrapped around you, and let it fall to the floor. 

“Xukun, what are you doing here?” you whisper in shock. He smiles, and you hug him, and hold onto him. Your hands felt cold exposed to the cold winters’ air. But every other part of you felt so warm. 

“I wanted to see your beautiful face again. I needed to see you.”

“I love you,” you say without realising. 

“I love you too Ash,” he whispers into your ear, “I’ve missed you so so much.” You pull apart from the hug, and he places his hands on your cheeks. 

“I can’t believe you’re here,” you say.

“I can’t believe I couldn’t have come here earlier,” he says, with this beautiful smile forming on his lips. He gently pulls you closer to you, and gives you a light kiss on the forehead, and then a peck on the lips. He looks at you for a split second, but pulls back in, kissing you more. 

It was something to remember. And something you wish you could always do always. But you knew this wouldn’t always last. He wouldn’t be here for long, but while he was, you knew you had to savour the moment.

~~~Babambababam i'm back! I was feeling super bored without updating. And lately i've been actually missing uri Kunkun cause i haven't been watching idol producer :(. Enjoy IKUNs ~~~

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