46. Lover Series pt 3

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If she closes her eyes hard enough, and just at the right moments, Ash can feel Xukun in Guanlin.

It’s quite peculiar, how she finds Xukun in almost anything. It’s something she finds so riveting yet so dangerous at the same time. He’s everywhere, he’s in every breath she takes and in every move she makes, and it’s something that brings her an overwhelming sense of comfort yet an overbearing sense of instability.

Guanlin—who varies oh, so differently from Xukun—can feel like him if she really tries hard enough. His arms don’t hold her quite the same, and his lips aren’t as soft and flavorful, but if she squeezes her eyes shut, and she loses herself in the memories of Xukun, it’s like he’s almost back again, only in the most minuscule of ways.

Which is why now, in this moment in time, Ash can barely keep her eyes open.

It’s the first time Ash brought Guanlin to the house, letting him stop by to watch a film after his shift. It’s a little something he’s wanted to do for a while, and after many coffee dates and many pleads from Guanlin, she finally took the step of being completely alone with him.

Xinyi decided to go to a friends house and insisted they take their time together. It started off wonderfully; a bottle of red wine, a box of chocolates, and a bag of popcorn while they watched Jaws.

It was all wonderful until Guanlin decided to make the move.

Guanlin is on top of her, lips connecting to hers in a lustful motion. It isn’t that Ash doesn’t want to be in this position, but more of her being hesitant to do so. She hasn’t kissed anybody since Xukun, and although Guanlin is one of the nicest people she’s ever met, she can’t find it within herself to keep moving any more forward.

And everything about it feels wrong.

Between all the touching, all the kissing, all the feelings within her, she can’t stop thinking about Xukun. She can’t stop thinking about how much she misses him and how much she wants him back. She’s still in love with him, so much so that doing this with someone else makes her feel dirty—makes her feel like she’s betraying him.

And it’s all too much, because no matter how hard she closes her eyes, no matter how hard she tries to feel him, he’s not there, and she can’t help but seem to think that he never will be—not anymore.

“No, no, stop.” She whimpers, shaking her head in an attempt to reject Guanlin’s restless lips.

He doesn’t stop, however, too engaged in the moment to really understand the words stuttering from her mouth. He continues kissing her, instead, moving down to her collarbones.

At this point, Ash starts to hyperventilate. Between the sobs daring to escape her chest and the lack of air from her previous activities, everything is straining against her. She doesn’t fully understand how she was able to get this far without it being with Xukun.


Her arms push Guanlin off of her until she’s alone on the couch as he’s panting on the floor. She can’t breathe. Her chest is tightening and her cries are so harsh that her lungs are collapsing inside of her.

She reaches her hands up to the roots of her hair, pulling back on them as she tries to gather all the oxygen she can. At this point, her head feels light and her sight is completely blurred by the tears flowing out of them—ones that she doesn’t even try to stop.

“I’m s—so sor—ry.” She hiccups, her head falling to her hands.

Guanlin gulps as he tentatively stands from his spot on the floor, his hands up in front of him as if in a panic, trying desperately to figure out how to fix the mess being made in front of him.

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