39. The Best Kind Of Warmth

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Waking up this morning, I snuggled up to my sheets and braced myself for the rush of cold I was about to endure. I muster up all the strength I can and push the sheets off me, exposing my previously-warm body to the chill of my bedroom. Stepping out of bed didn’t help either, as my feet made me wonder whether it was possible to get hypothermia that fast.

After a few seconds, I finally managed to get myself out of my room to take a nice, warm shower. However, I was hit with another wave of icy-cold air upon stepping out onto the floor mat. I managed to wrap myself in my towel long enough to make the next two minutes of getting dressed seem bearable, quickly put my makeup on, perfect my messy bun and head out of the house.

Three minutes in to my usual walk to school, it dawns on me that of all of the days I need it, I’ve left my jumper at home. Usually I would quickly run back home and get it, but today I’m already running late enough and I don’t want to miss my first class of the day - English.

I almost miss the final set of lights before I arrive at school, but a quick attempt at a sprint has me getting into the front gates a few minutes before the first bell goes.

By the time I get to the English classroom, I’m cooling off from the sweat that accumulated from my rushed journey to school, and discover that the exertion has warmed me up. Content with this realisation, I take my usual seat and get out the homework I had rushed late last night.

I really must work on my procrastination, but every time I tell myself to get the work done early, I end up finding some hilarious YouTube video and get trapped in that black hole for a couple of hours. Before I even realise what’s happened, it’s dark outside and I have two hours to get all of my homework done - or face the wrath of my teachers bad sides.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel someone bump into me.

“Oh, sorry Ash.”

It’s Xukun. God, that smile could make flowers grow.

“Don’t even worry about it.” I smile back, hoping that he can’t see the blush forming on my cheeks just because he looked at me. Ugh, the things that boy does to me.

He takes his regular seat a few seats away from me and I try my hardest to not let my jaw-dropping peripheral view distract me from what I’m sure is key content for the upcoming exams.

An hour and a half and ten pages of notes later, I’m exposed yet again to the harsh winter breeze that seems to be eternal. Just as my body realises where I am and my temperature plummets, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Spinning around, I met with none other than the Greek God-like face that belongs to Cai Xukun.

“Hey, you look like you’re freezing,” he observes. His eyes scanning the goose bumps on my forearms. “Would you by any chance….”

I look up at him from the ground - where my eyes had been glued ever since I realised that his eyes were scanning my body.

“…like to borrow my jacket?” He asks, looking nervous and hell. I almost want to laugh because of the relief his being nervous gives me. It’s nice to see that even Greek Gods get nervous sometimes.

“Umm,” I begin, completely unsure of what the right answer is. “It’s okay, I wouldn’t want you to have to tolerate this cold. Especially since you were smart enough to actually bring something to keep you warm.”

“I insist.” He states, much more confidently I might add. “Pretty girls shouldn’t have to deal with the cold anyway.”

I blush. This time not minding so much since it’s already kind of increasing the warmth on my face.

He puts his books down and takes off his jacket. I try not to faint from the hint of abs I see under his shirt as he does so.

He then holds out the jacket, and I take this opportunity to put my books down as well. I turn back around and guide my arms through the sleeves. Grateful, I thank him one more time, to which he responds. “Anytime, it looks better on you anyway.”

I blush once more, thinking about how much of a workout my cheeks are getting from this surreal encounter.

He grabs his books, and as he turns to leave says, “I hope to see you around.”

I nod and once he’s out of earshot, I whisper, “Me too.”

The warmth of his jacket, and the hint of his scent that comes with it are enough to keep a beaming smile on my face for the rest of the day, and I can’t help but think that wearing his jacket feels so right.

~~~Sorry that i didn't updated anything this week. I've been really busy and tired cause exams and schools. Will try to update more after exam ^^~~~

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