48. Hurt On The Court

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“You just have to kill this one, and you win” I mentally said to myself. We were 25-24, against our rival school Nekoma. I looked at the bleachers- normally our games got a crowd of ten people. Today’s game though, had the stands filled. All eyes were on us. The other team’s girl served, and I jumped up, making a kill. Everyone started screaming as the ball hit the other side’s floor, meaning we’d won. As I landed though, I fell on my ankle. 

“Y/N, we just beat Nekoma! You fucking did that!” Momo cheered, as my team lifted me up. I shook off the fall and laughed as they carried me around holding me up.

“Alright alright, lets put down Ash” coach laughed as they set me down. I sat down, being tired and all. “That was the best I’ve ever seen you play. I better not see any garbage quality again, because I’ve seen what you girls are capable of. Breakfast tomorrow on me, I’ll bring bagels to practice. Now get out of here, you guys did amazing.” My team started getting their stuff and leaving. 

“Ash, you good?” Momo asked, wiping her forehead with a towel. 

“Yeah, my ankle just hurts a little. I’ll be fine” I took off my shoe and rubbed my ankle. Momo left and soon it was just me and a few people who were waiting for a ride home. 

“Hey, your last kill, that was literally a game winner” Xukun came over to me and laughed. 

“Oh thanks! You gotta do what you gotta do” I smiled. 

“Are you okay? That fall seemed like it wasn’t fun” he sat down next to me. 

“Yeah, my ankle just hurts a little” I lied. Not a little. More like a lot. 

“Well, it looks a little swollen. Did you hear a pop?” Xukun looked at my ankle. 

“I don’t really remember” I frowned. 

“It looks like you twisted it to me. Come on, my house isn’t far from here, and I’ve got the stuff to help a twisted ankle” Xukun stood up and stuck out his hand. I grabbed onto his hand and he pulled me up and bent over. 

“What are you doing?” I gave him a funny look. 

“You’re not walking. Come on, get on my back” he nodded towards his back. I shrugged and hopped onto his back, so Xukun could give me a piggy back ride to his car. At his car he helped me into the passenger seat, and then he took the drivers seat. Xukun complimented me on how I played during the game on our way to his house- it was nice. I didn’t realize just how much attention he had given me- it seemed like all. 

Once we reached his house, Xukun proceeded to carry me in bridal style and all. 

“Kunkun is that you?” a woman voice called out. 

“Yeah I’m home mom!” he replied, taking off his shoes and setting me down on the stairs so he could take off mine. 

“There’s some pasta in the fridge if you want, it’s leftovers from yesterday. Dinner is going to be tacos!”

“Okay, thanks mom!” Xukun picked me back up and took me upstairs. Xukun placed me on his bed and then left the room, presumably to get whatever he needed. I looked around, his room was very him. He had one poster up on his wall, it was of his favorite football team. His room smelt just like him, not that I expected anything different. There were a few pairs of shorts scattered across the floor, but other than that it was very neat and tidy, unlike mine. 

“Alright, so we’re going to alternate between icing, and using the water pad. And here’s advil” he handed me a glass of water, advil, and wrapped a bag of ice to my leg. “Sit tight, I’ll be back in a second” he left his room again. My heart warmed, Xukun was unbelievably sweet and caring. 

“So I don’t have a TV in my room, but I do have netflix, and if you don’t want to watch anything from there, I can always hook up the dvd reader to my laptop and play a movie from my collection” Xukun sat next to me. 

“Okay, lets watch…Moana” I grinned. Xukun chuckled and started the movie. The two of us watched the movie, and after 20 minutes Xukun took the ice off my leg. At some point, Xukun’s arm made it’s way around me, but I wasn’t going to complain. A little while later he placed the water pad on my ankle and put his arm back around me. 

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. 

“What do you mean?” Xukun asked. 

“I mean why are you being so nice to me?”

“We’re friends Ash, I’m not going to be mean” he laughed.

“No I mean, why are you doing all this” I motioned to everything he’d gotten out for me. 

“Because I want you to get better” he hesitantly said. 

“Come on Xukun, what’s up” I paused the movie and a moved myself so my head was in Xukun’s lap. 

“It’s nothing” he looked away. 

“It’s something, what is it!” I whined. He shook his head and resume the movie, but I stayed in his lap. I kept thinking, could he possibly like me back? No… he hadn’t shown any signs. Other than this… 


“Yeah?” he looked at me. 

“Do you like me?” he froze for a second. 

“Of course I do. If I didn’t like you then we wouldn’t be friends” he laughed. 

“No I mean, do you like like me” I asked, sitting up so my butt was in  his lap. Xukun gulped and pressed his lips together, but didn’t say anything. “Xukun?” I placed my arms around his neck and tested the waters by leaning against his chest, so we were cuddling. After a few minutes he finally spoke. 

“I do” 

“You do what?” I knew exactly what he meant, but I wanted to hear it. 

“I do like you as more than a friend. I think you’re beautiful in every way and fuck, I just want to be with you” he ran his fingers through my hair. “But I’m not expecting you to say anything remotely close to that. I mean you’re the star volleyball player, there were so many guys looking at you in the game. Even that Oikawa Tooru was staring at you. You could get any of those guys. I mean there were football players there even” he sadly said. 

“Are you stupid?” I moved back a little so I could look at him. 


“I’ve liked you for the past few months now. I wouldn’t have asked that unless I wanted to know if we felt the same. None of those guys could get me, you forgot that they don’t have a heart of gold. I want to be with you too” 

“Are you being serious Ash?” Xukun asked, a large smile appearing on his face. 

“Yeah, I am” I nodded, grinning. 

“I’m the luckiest man alive” he hugged me tightly, kind of like a little boy getting exactly what he wanted on Christmas. 

Yattaaaaaa Eid Mubarak guys!!! Have a great vacation!! 💓 and also i kept my promise here u go ;) enjoy the scene xD
- until xxTaeAshxx

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