56. Music Store

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"Excuse me uh where are the drum sticks?" Your suddenly woken from your sleepy state and look at the slightly annoyed and awkward customer. Being too tired to speak you pointed behind them at the obvious shelf which displayed the drum sticks. "Thanks." You only nodded and took a sip of your coffee. Before resting your head on the counter. It was 10:00 AM and let's face it going to bed at 1:00 in the morning wasn't the best day considering you had to open the store the next day. You were lucky that your boss even trusted you to open the store. Well, you were good friends with them so that was a bonus. Today was not your day. The only thing that kept you awake was the bell that went off every time a customer walked in. You looked at your watch and saw that Xukun was late. You sigh before closing your eyes once again. You listened to the music that played softly throughout the store. You slightly hummed to the tune as your eyes became heavier, pulling you to sleep.

You awoke to the sound of the cash register opening and shuffling before you heard the bell ring again. Oh no. Somebody was robbing the store. You sprung up from your chair and saw Xukun standing next to you and he just closed the drawer before looking at you. "You know your not supposed to be sleeping on the job" he says in a joking matter, struggling to hold his laughter in the confused state you were in.

"And you know you're not supposed to be late for work" you say while fixing your hair.

"Well then I guess we'll have each other's back then won't we?" He says with a smile as another customer walks in and he goes to organizing the CDs. "I guess so" you say and you look to see its only 10:30. You sigh in relief. Thank god you were only asleep say 10 minutes. You go to the other side of the stack of CDs and organize them as well. While doing so, you soon realize that the conversation you had with Xukun was probably the most words you've ever said to him. He was usually quiet and stuck to dealing with customers and organizing the store and muttering a quick "bye" when his shift was over. But I guess he had another side to him. You tried to have conversations with him before but he didn't say much. You sort of liked that kind of quiet side he had. Almost a little nerdy but insanely hot. He was tall and today he wore some black skinny jeans and a black t shirt. He had those broad shoulders and messy looking lightly curled hair. It was the type where he probably tried styling it but have up so just combed his hands through it. He seemed to like music as much as you considering he works here. Since he didn't talk to you much, you just assumed he wanted to mind his own business.

You finished a few stacks then walked over to the guitars, making sure they were tuned. You've always admired music and found it a passion of yours. That was a main reason you worked here, getting to listen to music all day and borrow CDs or play the instruments. Considering the store was small there wasn't much to do so you sat behind the counter once after checking the guitars. Xukun just continued organizing and cleaning the store. It was cute and hot at the same time when he mouths the rap part to songs and nodded his head or even smiling when a song he liked came on. I must say he is really good at rapping.

Around 1:00 o'clock the store was dead. There was always some part of the day where nobody would walk through and so you always took this as the opportunity to take a break. You jumped off the stool and flipped the sign on the door 'Be back in 20 minutes'. Xukun looked at you in confusion and you just looked at him and said, "I figured it was time for a lunch break. I'll be back in a few minutes" you say with a wink and walk across the street to the little fast food place.

"With two bags of food in your hands you entered the store then locked it. You turn around only to see Xukun nervously tapping his foot and waiting for you to get back, considering he's never watched the store by himself. He sees you and looks down at the food you were holding. You carry on walking to the back of the store but you don't here him walking. Turning around, you say, "come on. I can't eat this all by myself". You turn again and here his footsteps behind you and you get to the counter and grab one of the stools and sit and see as he grabs one too. You take one of the bags and pull out two burgers and Xukun takes the other bags and pulls out fries. You don't hesitate to turn up the volume on the little radio which was playing WayV's "Love Talk" and both of you nod your head to the beats. It doesn't take long before the both of you are basically stuffing your faces with food. You forget that there's also a drink and pull two out. "Uh I wasn't sure what you would want so I just got lemonade" you say giving him his. He just smiles and says, "no that's fine. That's my favorite actually".

"No way me too" you say before taking a sip. "Uh how much was it" he starts to pull out his wallet but you stop him. "No that's okay Xukun. My friend always hooks me up with free food over there and I get her CDs so no need to worry" you say and watch as he puts his wallet back into his pocket. "Well I guess I'll return the favor tomorrow" he says looking at you for approval and you smile and nod at his suggestion.

"We haven't really had a conversation before Xukun. We should definitely talk more" you say as you put your feet against the counter and lean against the wall behind you. "Yeah we should. It makes work a lot more fun. And I don't mind getting free food" he says chuckling and looking at the ground.

You were laughing a little too. "Why don't we talk?" You say and now he looks back into your eyes. He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess I just get nervous talking to you. I wouldn't want to say something stupid. I like you a lot Ash".

He blushes at his confession and takes a sip of his drink once again. "I like you too Xukun. I kinda just figured you didn't want to talk to me" you blush at what you admitted and he gets slightly less nervous now. "A reason I actually got to work earlier than usual is because I remembered were working the same shift as me" he says. Giggles erupted from your mouth before you said, "that's probably the reason I still go to work".

He chuckles before saying, "well we end work at..." He stops to look at the time and says, "3:00 o'clock. So do you want to go out and I can make up for lunch by buying you dinner?" He says. Before you say yes you try to tease him a little. "I'll go out with you..." you say and he smiles. "But..." you continue and he gives a confused look. "Tomorrow you show up to work on time so I won't fall asleep" you say in a joking matter and once he realizes what you've done he laughs.

You guys are stuck in a silence with the music creating a tension. You feel your faces becoming closer and closer and his lips are almost on yours when you hear knocking on the door. You both jump away from each other land both look at each other in worry before sprinting to the door, realizing it's been at least 45 minutes. You guys get to the door, stop, then look at each other. "You open it" you say at the same time, causing you both to laugh. The silly argument carries on. He starts by saying, "if it's the boss you won't get in trouble since he knows you." You continue, "Yeah but if it's a customer they won't get mad at because you can just charm them with your looks" he blushes at the statement. You both continue until you just decide to face whoever was on the other side of the door.

You reach to open the door unlocking it. It was Zhengting from across the street. He probably just got off work considering his hair was somewhat messy and he looked tired. You sigh, at least it wasn't your boss or any angry customers. "Ugh finally. I thought you guys were making out in here I was knocking for 5 minutes," he says walking in. He then turns around to face your blushed faces. "Were you guys making out?" he says and you guys both yell "no" before he can make any more assumptions. He puts her hands up in surrender. You turn the sign to open and walk back to the counter as Zheng starts looking through records. "Okay well I hooked you guys up with some lunch and saved your butt from getting in trouble so how about you get me a cd and we play it cool so you can get back to whatever you were planning which I'm sure was "work"," he says with a smirk. You and Xukun blush and stay silent, not wanting to admit what might have happened. You give Xukun one last look and he gives you an attempt at a wink causing even more blush. What were you going to do with this dorky boy.

Okay so I hope this wasn't as bad as the previous one. Hope u guys enjoyed this one. See ya'll on next update~

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