14. Jealous

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Your camping out with a bunch of friends. You heard that Xukun your high school crush was camping around here, so when you were invited to go, off course you were going to go.

You start hammering one of the ends of the tent down, trying your hardest not to hit your finger again for the billionth time. You had never gone camping before, but you were finding it so fun.

Every now and then you would look out into the trees looking for Xukun, even though you know Xukun is probably not going to be there. The chances were as slim as the chance that he would like you back. 

“Done with my tent!” you shout.

“Finally!” Hyunbin says laughing

“Yeah, took you long enough,” Guanlin says patting the seat next to his. You walk towards him, and take a seat next to him. You hear him yawn, and feel his hand stretch out onto your shoulder.

“Tired huh? Great move mate. Very cliche,” you laugh. You say pushing his hand of your shoulders by shaking your back once.

“It was worth a try,” he says grinning.

“Okay! You two love birds, if your done there, do any of you guys have any scary stories?” Mark says.

“Okay, sure…if your ready for what I’ve got,” Guanlin says winking once at you. 

“Oh god,” you laugh. Guanlin starts telling his story.


“What a amateur! I could tell one way better than that,” I grin, “I know you all really want to hear it…but I think I’m gonna hit the snooze button. Good night,” you stand up, with your hands covering yourself in the cold of the night. 

“Seriously? It’s only like 8,” Hyunbin says.

“Guess we should get to bed before it gets too late out,” Yongguk says.

You crawl into your tent and zip it up. You fall asleep to the wondering thought of where on earth Xukun is. 

Morning >>>

You wake up to the unfamiliar sound of birds chirping and crickets chirping. Very different to the sounds of cars whizzing past and a very annoying alarm. 

You wake up and feel your hair frizzed up everywhere, so you decide to redo your hair into a messy bun. You walk out of the tent, to your surprise the first person awake. You walk around for a while, not too far of the campsite trying to see if there is camping near. You see smoke burning up in the air a few metre away. You come back to camp, everyone’s eyes still half closed, and walking around like zombies.

“Morning everyone,” you say.

“God I’m tired man…Yongguk made us wake up way too early,” Guanlin complains. 


“Ash? Do you wanna like go on a walk or something I’m bored,” Guanlin asks.

“Okay, sure.”

“[Momo] WE’RE GONNA GO ON A WALK,” he screams, way louder than he should have.

We both walk through the forest, our phones on hand, talking about the most random stuff. Guanlin mainly talking.

“Soo, know anything about Xukun camping around here?” you whisper.

He laughs, “Don’t know. Why don’t you just tell him you like him?” 

“How easy do you think it is?” I say with a laugh.

“Very. All you have to do is say it to their face.”

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