The Blood Lake

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 After hours, of walking, talking, and hanging out with her friends. A sat on top of the castle wall, her dress floating in the wind, as she sighed. "It's only ten minutes until my birthday, and it's giving me a headache." Akatsuki pinched her nose. "I still have that bad feeling, and it's not going away." She heard footsteps come up the stairs; until Beth arrived. "Beth you should be laying in bed." Beth waddled next to her. "I'm not so incompetent, I don't know my own body. I'll be fine." She patted the girls' back. "Soon, you'll be a warrior, and join the missions." Akatsuki rolled her eyes. "That's not why I want to grow up, and I"m not trying to find a boyfriend either." Beth chuckled, "I know." They looked up in the sky, as the moon was five minutes away, from becoming the blood moon. She gasped, as a red shine came over the moon. "Akatsuki?"

  Beth cried out, as she went over the castle wall, towards the ground. She landed softly on the ground, walking away. Beth made her way down the stairs, as quick as she could; her breathing turning to panting, as her body began to sweat. One of the warriors saw her trying to come down, and came over to help. "What's wrong?" Beth gasped, and cringed as her contractions started. "Help me. We need to follow Akatsuki." Beth breathed in and out, as she and a few of the warriors followed after. Meanwhile, Akatsuki was pulled towards the woods between the vampires, and the humans; the almost blood red moon, looming above her. Her dress became a light night shift, as her shoes disappeared from her feet. The necklace her brother gave her, glowed in the light, as she continued to make her way.

 Men and women alike, felt the subtle shift of power in the air, as the moon continued to turn blood red. The queen, king, and subjects of both kingdoms made their way towards the lake between the factions. The place where the feel of power was coming from. Akatsuki had stopped outside the beginning of the lake; fish swimming here and there, as the surface began to turn red; the water splashing her feet, as she continued to walk. The moon was almost fully red, as she stood in the middle of the lake. Akatsuki went to her knees, and sank to sit on the surface of the red water; red vines crawling up her skin, and making it blend in with the red of the moon. They crawled up her body slowly; first her feet and legs, then over her stomach and chest. They had reached over her mouth, just as the men and woman reached the lake. Beth panting, as her baby wanted out.

  "Beth you shouldn't be here. From your expression, your child is coming now. You need to be back at the castle, while giving birth." The queen said walking up, Akatsuki's mother beside her. "For-forgive me, my queen, but I was talking to Akatsuki, before she went over the castle walls, and walked here." She cried out, as the contractions increased. The queen made everyone make a space for her, as her child was about to be born into the world. The woman worked to make a place for her to give birth, as she began to push. Akatsuki made no move, as they helped the baby into the world; her expression blank and soulless...until the baby's cry split the air. Her dead eyes looked toward the shore, as some of the woman handed Beth her son. Just as the baby was about to be put in her arms, a string of water, wrapped around his little body, and took him out to the water towards Akatsuki, who still had a lifeless expression.

 The water lifted him to her outstretched, blood covered, hand, and waited as blood drops dripped from her fingers, and into his mouth. Her hand dropped back to her side; blood vines covering it again. Her head turned back to it's original position, just as a blood tear drop appeared on his shoulder; the water sending him back to his mother's arms. The men had arrived on the other side of the lake, just as the moon became fully red, signaling the start of Akatsuki's birthday. Blood had come from the lake, and began to flow up her body, as she was covered in it, while the vines dispersed. Her body arched up, just as the blood covered her whole, her mouth opening. Her brothers tried to approach, but the lake lifted to stop their progress. "Father!" They looked to the king, as he appeared behind them.

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