Judge, Jury, Executioner...... and Sin

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Moon could understand her anger. "Beth." She tried to tell her........but she was to upset to listen. That's how it happened......a few hours ago. Moon was sitting in one of the large castle windows; sighing ever so often as she looked outside. "She'll forgive you." Her father had found her........his meeting taking longer than expected; as the lords of the sons she killed, demanded her head.

  "Those bastards will see you dead, for what you did.......and law demands I satisfy them." He was mumbling to himself; figuring out a way to save his daughter, and punish the guilty. Moon grinned menacingly. "I know how to shut them up." Alexander had a feeling, it was going to be bloody. Moon had enough of bastard ministers, and their kids who think they can get away with anything.

   She felt a little.......naughty. Her finger twirling in front of her face; a huge fanged smile, showing her sincerity as they headed for the meeting room.

  They all went crazy, as she entered; Alexander coming in behind her, and sighing. "You bitch.......you should be burned, and decapitated. To pay for what you did to our children." Moon had taken a seat on the stairs; her father sitting in his throne behind her.......solely praying they would have a quick death, and not suffer. He thought about it. "Maybe I can read that book......it's been forever." He left the room, whistling. Moon turned to the men; their threats of her death, and their yelling.....were getting on her nerves.

  "First......you came here, demanding my head.

  Second......your sons used my friends.
   Third.......you have the balls, to demand something; when your sons did things, you can't even imagine."

  She walked down the stairs. "Let's ask your sons, what they've done." Guards appeared in front of them; holding them back, as she took a dagger from a stand. She whispered words, from an ancient language; cutting the palm of her hand, and letting the blood drip on the floor.

  The blood flowed to make a large pool; rising to become a thin wall connected to the ceiling. "Emerge." Her eyes glowed; something appearing from inside the pool. The men tried to fight part the guards; hoping to reach the bodies that had just award inside the blood wall. "Give us back our children." The sons she killed; or their souls really.......were inside the blood pool, chains keeping them on their knees, as she stood in front.

  "You haven't changed, Xavier. Still playing the victim; when you yourself are a murderer." He stood to his feet; laughing at her disdain, while looked at her with triumph. "You may be protected your friend; but she still hates you, for what you've done. I may be stuck here; but that doesn't mean I won't move on, and be reborn someday. Maybe to continue what I was doing; or start a whole new thing....but you have no power here."

  Moon shrugged. "I don't need power over there." She gave him a light smile. "Your sins are graver than when you were here; and I've already punished your body. So now.......they're is someone to punish your soul."

   Three more, smaller blood pools appeared behind her; each having a figure inside.

   "Judge." A woman wearing white robes over her dress; trailing on the floor behind her, while she carried a black book. A black silk cloth covered her eyes; while she wore her short white hair, around her face. She wore dark purple lipstick, white eyeshadow; and her nails were pitch black. Two small fangs peeked from her lips; giving you the impression of her blood.

  "Jury." This time, a man stepped from the pool. Wearing a tight silk mask over his face, that connected to the front of his no sleeve black shirt. He even write baggy pants, that bunched at his ankles; making him seem more harmless than he actually was. His dark blue eyes, stared at your soul; judging your sins, before death. He carried a stopwatch around his neck; checking it ever so often, as they waited.

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