Pretty In Pink. (Can't Stop Laughing)

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  "Let us go." Allen couldn't feel his arms, as he and Alec hung from the ceiling by right ropes; hog tied because of something they said and did to Moon when she got back.

  Alec just hung there quietly; blaming him for their misfortune, while Allen continued to yell for freedom. "Damn it. Please let us go, Moon......I can't feel my limbs." Moon sat beneath them in a dining chair; eating an apple, while watching them squirm with a smile.

  "The first thing I see, when I come you two arguing over a maid." She took a bite, and chewed; continuing aftet she swallowed the piece. "When I try to break up, your little squabble; with some nice friendly words.......I get yelled at, and smacked in the face." She smiled; as much as her jaw would allow. "Do you know how painful, and frustrating that is; when you just got back from a wierd world, and you two are different people, which I'm not going to tell you about, because you'll forget this conversation anyway. But you will be sleeping up there; while I go to bed."

   She walked out. "Goodnight." The lights were turned off; leaving them a little bit of sunlight, before it set. Alec accepted his fate; but Allen gave one last shout of, "Are you kidding me?" Before, he stopped struggling. The ropes were chaffing his delicate skin.

  (Delicate skin, my ass. Author writes a few nasty comments, and then deletes them.)

  Moon awoke the next morning, refreshed; coming down to breakfast, to see the crowd. "What's going on?" They parted to let her through. "Moon......there you are." Her father grabbed her hand. "Can you explain this?" Her eyes looked upon the dining table.

   Moon held in her laughter; her shoulders dialing from the strain, as she tried to keep a straight face. "What hap-(snort).... What happened?" She'd let Alec go last night; but Allen looked so peaceful, she'd left him hanging from the ceiling. Who would of thought, he'd look like this when everyone woke up.

  Her day just kept getting better. Allen was tied to a chair; wearing a frilly short dress in pink, with his hair in little ponytails and really applied make-up. She swallowed her laughter, telling herself, "It's not's not." But she was practically losing, the more she looked. What broke her, was when her brother Alec emerged from his room; wearing the same thing but in different colors. His face in a deep scowl. "Who did me?"

  He stalked to their father. Moon was about to die from holding it in; laying her head in the middle of her arms as she folded them on the table. Allen finally woke up; thankful that he was down from the ceiling, but wondering why he was now tired to a chair.

  She he saw Alec, he laughed hysterically. Tears dripped down his face; when he was finally able to breath, while talking. "You look ridiculous." Alec growled. "Look whose talking, dumbass." They didn't notice Moon had left the room, while he roared in retaliation; vowing revenge to whoever did this. Moon returned with a wobbly smile; just letting her eyes peek above her folded arms, as she tried to keep from laughing it loud. "You find this funny, don't you?" Her eyes caught Allen's.

  Moon nodded. "You won't stop, until we get changed will you?" She shook her head; before hiding her face again. She hadn't laughed like this in a long time.

  The next night, Alllen was able to sleep in his own bed; but he ended up with Alec the next morning.........with outfit included. A maid came in the next minute to wake Alec up; but stopped mid-way in the door, when she saw them. He was happy, Moon didn't find them; because she ran out to inform their father, but he was not the only one to arrive.

  Moon stood off to the side, laughing so much; Bridget had to pat her back, when she choked. Alec had woken, when they all entered; not amused with this predicament. "Do we habe any ideas, whose doing this?" Alexander talked this over with his ministers; but Vickoria was coughing a little too hide the smile.

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