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 Moon sat on her bed; legs crossed indian style, and her arms propped on her knees, as she held her chin in her hands. "How am I going to explain this to mom?" A deep sigh, left her, as she stared at the wall. "That'll be a good story. Yeah, mom.....I was asleep to heal, and then ended up pregnant after something happened to me during the Blood way she'll believe that." She heard from her brothers, and her father; that this new version of her other self, was now a new pain in the ass. Someone knocked on her door; before it opened. "Your awake." Moon didn't move from her position, as Allen entered the room. She huffed, and continued to stare at the wall. "Moon?" He waved a hand in her face.

"Moonie?" She didn't move.

"Moonatite?" (Moon-a-tight). She grimaced.

"Moonstone?" She scowled.


 "Finish that sentence, and you'll be six feet under, dear brother." She growled; eyes turning red, and wings appearing, to almost spear his throat. He laughed off her threat. "I was just seeing of you were alive. Honestly, I don't like calling you names, like that idiot." He moved, and sat like she did; while she raised a brow. "Allen, is Storm here?" Allen titled his head. "Hmm, Storm? Storm?" She was starting to get pissed off. "Ah, her....the woman married to the werewolf." She flicked his head; an annoyed sign near her head. "Ouch, alright, alright. I'll go find her." Moon crossed her arms, over her knees; and laid her chin on top.

 Allen entered the room, a few minutes later; with Storm, Alec, Alexander, and Xavier in tow. Since, the few months, they had seen each other; Storms' stomach, had grown larger, almost to where she wobbled to a seat. Moon stayed in the position; even when they sat down, and waited for them to be quiet. "It's been months, Storm. You look happy, and well." Storm rested a hand on her growing belly. "I'm fine. However, you look worse for ware." Moon rolled her eyes. "With the few months I've get used to the bullshit, and backstabbing." They both chuckled; understanding the meaning, while the men were clueless. Moon wiggled her toes; the position making her arms and legs hurt; but she didn't move.

 "Now, the reason I called you because I have something important to tell you, but...I'll let my other side tell you the details." She let out a big yawn, and closed her eyes. Silence stretched across the room; as they waited, and waited....and waited some more. "Moon?" Alec touched her shoulder; wincing when a hand grabbed his arm. "I thought I told you, to call me Red." Alec felt her squeeze his arm, before letting go; leaving a little bruise, on his skin. Red eyes stared at them, before she yawned; and stretched her arms over her head. "So, what do I owe this talk?" She rested her back, on the headboard.

 Red's pov-

  Covering a yawn; Red wondered when they were going to talk. "So....anyone going to tell me what's going on.....or do I go back to sleep?" It was easier said then done; when her stomach started feeling queasy. She ran to the toilet, before puking her guts out. It all went quiet in her room, as she emerged from the bathroom; head spinning, and feeling even more nauseous. "Okay.......(holding in throw-up).......can someone tell me why, I'm puking, and feeling really queasy?" She slapped a hand over her mouth, and turned to puke again. She washed her face, and then sat back on the bed.

 After threatening, and growling; they finally told her what happened. "I see. So, that's what happened." She was sitting, like Moon was earlier; but this time, her hands were folded, so her knuckles supported her head. "Must of been her doing." She swallowed down the bile, about to come up. "Her doing?" Red looked to Moon's father. "Yes, I'm not the only one in here." She yawned. "Originally, it was just Moon, at first; but then I appeared, when her birthday and the first Blood Moon appeared. Then, when the second Blood Moon came; she acquired a new.....hmm....I'd say, a new personality, which punishes, but can also be soft." She snorted. "She's a real buzzkill, but then takes all the gory bloody and dismembering parts."

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