Bloody Wedding

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  It was Thursday....the day of the wedding, and Moon's day off. Moon sat at one of the tables; her chin on the surface, and blowing a straw back and forth. "M?" 



  Moon sighed. "I can hear you, Flo." She felt defeated, and annoyed at something; but she wasn't sure what. Tapping her finger on the table; she tried to figure out, what to do next. "Come on.....stop moping." Flo patted her on the back. "Go." Moon huffed; wondering what she meant. "I know your not bummed about your vacation ending." Moon ignored her. Flo leaned over trying to see her face. "You know, you want to see them."

  Moon rolled her eyes. "No, I don't. My family,  yes......but them....." She made a face. "No way." Flo chuckled. "As much as you complain about them.......there has to be a reason why you do." She smiled. "My boyfriend drives me up the wall; but I still love him. It doesn't hurt, to vent your frustrations; once in awhile." Moon swiveled in the chair; a scowl on her face. "They're not my matter how they wish to be." Flo clicked her tongue.

  Moon was staring out the window; when light footsteps approached. Hands grabbed her; taking her to the back room, before the door shut behind them. "I will kill you all." Moon's body was throbbing; having been forced into a tight dress, and then hair and make-up; combed and done. Flo shushed her. "Oh'll thank us later. can't go to a wedding, dressed like that." She smoothed down the skirt. " have to show them, your not going to give up without a fight." She stood back; Nodding at their handiwork. "Alright, your good to go."

  They had put her into a knee-length, baby blue dress, with criss-cross straps across her back. Lace trimmed the hem, and the front across her chest, which spread down to the front of the dress; showing cleavage.

They had threaded small, blue flowers, through her now silver hair; which was braided, and hung over her shoulder. "It'll do." Braida nodded. "Make sure, you bring it back..... I don't want it ruined." Moon raised a brow. "Yes, mom." Braids scowled. "I'm not your mother." Beth shooed then away. "Alright, let's give her some room." Beth sighed. "It was wonderful having you here....even if, you were disguised." She stopped Moon; just as she was trying to explain. "I know you had your reasons, but it was interesting; was a pleasure to see you, and have you help, without asking to." She hugged her. "Now go get your men; and come visit, once in a while."

  Moon chuckled; wings shooting out of her back. "I will return, but......not in a way you suspect." She hovered a free feet from the ground. "And Braida.......this dress, might be covered in blood.....I'm not making any promises." Braida rolled her eyes. "Im hoping it's not." They waved; watching her disappear. Beth sighed; wiping of her hands. "Alright....let's get ready for the dinner rush."

  Bridget & Alexander-

  The night of the wedding. Bridget, Alexander, and Vickoria, were invited to the wedding; but.....that's not what upset Bridget. She had her arms crossed over her chest; fingers tapping her son, as she stared at the dress, she'd made herself. "Are you ready, Bridge?" Alexander exited the bathroom; trying to tie his tie, the right way. He stopped, seeing her stare at the covered garment.

  "This was suppossed to be, Moon's wedding.....not the wedding of those...." She couldn't think of the right word. Her hand tangled in the cover; showing part of the wedding dress. "I made this dress for her. At first, I was terrible; making mistakes, and having to redo everything from scratch....but I soon got it. I made this dress for her; hoping today, would be her day." She shook her head. Alexander put a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright." Bridget scowled. The blood red dress, was something she wanted to see Moon in; but now...... "First I lost Frost, then found out, I have a son, and now......Moon is gone."

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