The Battle Ends

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The armies clashed. Thousands of bodies, already littered the ground; the Commanders staying in the back round, as their troops were slaughtered. "Aim!" The archers knotted their bows. "Fire!"

The arrows arched through the air; hitting the opposite side, while others charged towards victory. "Ready." Brid sat upon a lounge chair; four men carrying her over the battle.

"Hello, mother." Moonie had appeared before Brid; body covered in blood and gore, as she had to cut down people who had friends and family.........all forced to follow her step-mother's plans to destroy anything in her revenge.

Brid glared at her. "Your supposed to be dead." Moonie grinned; knowing she ruined countless lives with her plan, and wanting to stop her. Moon sat back. "Shouldn't you help her?" Moon yawned; rubbing her eyes while sitting on the wounded pile of men. The man laying on the bottom; wanting her to get off already. Really not able to move from under the dead bodies; and even with Moon sitting on them, as he tried to crawl away. "Nope......this is her problem." She swung her leg back and forth; kicking him in the butt, everytime he moved. "You might want to stay still."

More bodies were thrown on the pile; Moon just floating up, and sitting down when things settled. "You okay down there?" Moon was a little bored; but she couldn't join the battle, because it wasn't her she mocked the half dead man in the body pile.

  She kept nodding off; even with the sounds of battle ringing in her ears, before the men let out a cheer. Moon yawned; a hand covering her mouth, before she landed on the ground. "Ah....before I forget." She grabbed the back of his armor; dragging him through the crowd of warriors, while heading towards Moonie.

  True to her mother's lineage, in the other world; Brid had good military skills, that had Moonie beaten in five moves, but........Moonie had so much hate built up, that keeping herself wasn't going to do it anymore.

  Her otherself nagging and pleading her to let it out; which she was more than happy to oblige. Moon climbed to a tall rock; which happened to be situated convenietly five feet above the battle. She had a feeling it was going to get messy. Well......more than it already is, anyway.

  Moon didn't like war, battles or bloodshed; she just wanted to go back to those days of bantering with her friends, beating up disgusting bastards, and taking off who they wanted to marry. fangs and blood, curses and destiny; while you try to break themb wanting a symblance of normal in your life. She was just so tired.

   Moon had a feeling; this dance with her life......would Soon, come to an end. She rubbed her forehead; feeling so tired. Like the world was sitting on her shoulder; and banging her in the head with the mountains it holds.

  Rubbing her temples, was just making it worse; but she didn't have any other idea how to stop it. A breeze blew through the battle; blowing the smell of blood through the air, until you couldn't smell the rot of rust.

  "All this were ungrateful." Her gaze went the two occupants still standing; the soldiers giving them a wide berth as they fought. Both of them were already covered in wounds; their hatred for each other running deeper, than they would tell.

  "Not even That Woman, was this heartless." She swung her legs back and forth; feeling a little bored, by bit joining the battle. Of course, it wasn't her battle to win. She sighed. "How did I get stuck in a topsy turvy world......with nothing to do?" She sighed again. She must have fallen asleep up there; because when she awoke no one was there. "What?" She walked through the field. No bodies, no broken weapons; not even the smell of blood in air. It was just........a field.

  "She must pay." She turned around. "SHE MUST PAY!" The wind blew her back; knocking the breath out of her, until she woke up gasping for breath.......but not on the rock. Moon had been moved to a fluffy bed inside the castle; but covered in blood and getting it everywhere. "What happened?"

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