Deep beneath the castle, a smell waffed from a closed off room; said to be locked by the women's ancestor, but it wasn't. It now was used, for a being boiling potions and poisons. Two people were tired to chairs; unconscious or dead, you really couldn't tell, as the person, stirred their concoction.
Putting some more ingredients in the pot; the figure grabbed a large butcher knife, and walked towards the first body. "I'll need a small piece of you, to finish this potion." Raising the butcher knife, the figure cut off an arm; not even getting a scream, or a flinch from their victim. Adding that to the pot, they grabbed a few more ingredients; ignoring the bleeding mess from the severed arm, of their victim. "Let's bottle this up, shall we?"
Taking wine bottles filled halfway; the figure filled the rest of the bottle, with what's inside the pot. Swirling the mixture together; the figure smiled with glee. "Soon.......the real party, will begin."
Wake up, get dressed, train, go to bed. Wake up, train, go to bed. Wake up, train.....train, train, train. That was the routine, they followed for the next two weeks; giving no time for Moon to rest, or meet the queen. Allen was still missing; and Moon was getting hungrier by the minute. "Alright, lets take a break." The others sighed in relief; sitting, or falling on the ground, in exhaustion. "We're going to eat; than you all, need to hit the showers." Moon sighed in relief. "Cia, you'll need to come with me, after your done." Moon looked to Cicara, wondering if she knew whay was going on; only to see her gone.
Hours after they showered, and ate, and started to relax; Moon was taken towards a different part of the castle. She was then handed of to a maid, who then handed her of to another maid......and so on, and so forth; until she was left in front of large, decaying, black doors. The maid then left her; making her more confused than ever, as she looked at the, barely standing doors. "I guess, I'll go through."
She raised a hand, to push the door just slightly.......when they both fell over; making a loud sound, resonate down the hall. Moon had nothing to say; she just ran into the room quickly, jumping when the doors stood back up, with a creaky, slam. "Well, if that isn't scary; I don't know what is." Her eyes looked around; making her wonder why, she was brought here. "This can't be the queen's's destroyed."
Ripped tapestrys, broken furniture, and cobwebs everywhere; is what Moon saw. A hissing noise came from behind her. Sounding closer than it seems; when she turned, and looked into the face, of a twenty foot snake. "You....are." Its voice, made the words sound raspy, and hoarse. Moon avoided the eyes; knowing this was a basilisk. "I'm guessing your the queen's snake?" She got no answer. "Okay, then." They were just standing around; until the snake, wrapped it's tail around her waist.
Moon grumble to herself. "Why am I always carried? I can walk, you know." The basilisk ignored her grumbling; and slithered through the hole in the wall. It felt like forever, as they walked through the dark tunnel. Usually, someone would keep saying, "Are we there yet?", but Moon really didn't feel like hearing it. After an hour, or two........they finally exited the tunnel; entering a cave, sparkling with crushed stones, inside the rock. "Pretty."
She gazed at it, a little too long; only realizing that, when her butt smacked the ground. "You could of put me down gently, you know." Rubbing the sore spot, she got up slowly. "Welcome, Moon." A voice spoke to her, from the shadows; coming from a hole the basilisk, now, stood in front of. "Your Highness." She bowed to the darkness. "Little princesses." Her eyes could see the three figures trying to hide, but she came no further; least the snake, try to strike. "I can see in your eyes, that you know who we are; and I've heard stories of you........but that is not why your here...."
Moon said nothing, waiting for her to finish before she spoke. "I know enough, that the woman upstairs in your room, is not the real queen.....I've never seen her, but that doesn't mean I can't tell, who she's not."
The Only Female Vampire
VampireIt's a world ruled by men, but not any man mind you, vampires. All the men in this world are vampires, while the woman are human. And no, it's not turn a woman into a vampire thing. The woman stay human, but their children do not. The boys turn into...