Broken Wing

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This is one of my favorite songs. I thought it would go great with this chapter.


 He paced the floor, as he waited for Alec, and Allen; Bridget and Vikcoria, still glaring daggers at him. Alec and Allen came through the doors, just as Alexander paced the floor, for the thousandth time. "Your back." Vikcoria looked relieved,as they cam inside; her face going pale, at the people coming behind them. Alexander fumed as the twins kings walked through, as well as a few werewolves from their kingdom. "Why are they here?" He wasn't as mad, as soon as he saw his 'brothers' son. Alec came forward. "We need their help to rescue Moon, and Alucard is the only one, who can force Bernard and the others to talk." Alexander gestured for them to follow him.

 Third pov-

  Alexander shook his head, at his sons; wondering why they brought the men that wants Moon for themselves. "Well, we were thinking about going to Uncle Darkon, but... then we headed towards StormFang and then met Darkon's son by chance, so....." Allen tried to make him look on the bright side. Alec shook his head. "My respect for you has now dropped to three." Allen glared at his brother. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, smartass." They glared at each other. Alexander wondered where he went wrong. He left the two to their bickering, and headed back over to the group. "Even though I didn't ask them to get you, it is good you came to help. We need all of your help." He rubbed his temples. Hopefully, with them here, we can get Bernard and the others to talk.

 After a brief meeting, Alexander, Alec and Allen, and the twin kings, walked towards the rooms they were holding Bernard and his family, while the others went to the throne room, and tried to open the trap doors. Alexander entered Bernard room, and let the through; before closing it. Bernard was chained to the wall; sitting on the bed, as he didn't look up. "So, what do I owe the company, of the King of Astora?" His head lifted up. "And the two kings of StormFang? What a surprise." He sneered. Bernard didn't even move, as he apparently decided to give up...but looks can be deceiving.

 Alexander said nothing, as he looked to Alucard. "Do you want to try? I've tried getting guards, and other vampires to make him talk, but to no avail." He rubbed his chin. "Either, he doesn't know the location of another door to the dungeon, or he doesn't want to tell us." This, plus the alcohol was making his head hurt, as he tried to figure out a way. Lost in thought; and Alucard about to touch Bernard's face, the earth started to shake, and glass shattered, as something huge shook the ground. They ran out the door, as the shaking continued; not realizing Bernard had killed a guard, and taken a key; hiding the body under the bed.

 They all ran to the throne room, just as someone ran out and almost ran into them. "My lord." It was one of Alexander's guards, as he looked happy and scared at the same time. "Come and see, the floor is opening by itself." They followed him inside, just as the floor split open; making cracks, and a few pieces of the castle walls break and fall. The Wolves that accompanied the group, held Vikcoria, and Bridget back, as something jumped from the giant hole.

 What appeared first, was a werewolf holding a a man's body; that was covered in bruises, needle marks, and a bite mark on his neck. Then two more appeared with a figure, Alexander and Bridget thought was lost forever. "Frost?!" Bridget rushed to his side; only to back off, as a werewolf got in her face. The wolf protecting her, growled at the intruder. Bridget looked from Frost, to the young man, that looked so much like him, and a male version of Moon. More wolves poured out of the whole; carrying Storm and her brother next. They were both alright, but had a few bruises here and there. Storm looked at Alexander. "Your Moon's father?" He heard Bridget gasp, before he confirmed the accusation, as another; larger wolf jumped out of the hole, carrying a blood covered body. Bridget ran to her daughter, and tried to grab her in her arms; but the wolf prevented her from being taken.

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