The Reverse World

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  Moon exited the portal; coughing contioniously, while trying to catch her breath. "Bitch......(cough, cough). Wait till I get back, and I'm going to kick her ass; until she learns the meaning, "Asking Nicely."

  She stood to her feet; wobbling a little bit, as the medicine worked through her system. "This place is." She appeared where the castle should of been; but nothing was here, except for burnt stones, dead ground, and broken bones across the ground. Her foot kicked something on the ground; making her look down at a body, no longer holding flesh, but reaching for where the portal should be while it too had a collar.

  "I'm not the only one, she 'asked' to come here." She could see most of the bodies had collars; while the rest were older skeletons. She felt the collar. "This thing annoys me." She grabbed it; feeling it move a little bit, before it fell to the ground. Moon looked at the broken device for the next ten minutes; wondering How? and Why? it came off, when she tried everything to get it off. "That didn't look comfortable." She turned around sharply; a skeleton arm in her hands, as she held it for defense.......completely forgetting her fangs and sharp nails in that moment.

  "Who are you?" The figure emerged from the shadow of the trees. "Mom?" Her mother appeared from the shadows; but......this version looked weaker and frail......not the usual muscle tone and confidence her own mother had. She saw something else; moving closer to the 'Reverse Version',  offering an apology, before looking in her mouth. "Your a vampire?"

  The other Bridget shrugged; coughing as she moaned wrong. "I was a vampire. All the women here are......or used to be." Moon helped her sit on a rock. "My daughter, or in this case You.......was taken by the Werewolf King, as an experiment, and bargaining chip; when you're other self tried to establish peace. The King however, did not intend to negotiate a treaty; and instead kidnapped you, and made a anti-vampire serum with your blood."

  Moon was scolding her other self, for being so trusting......especially with big ego headed assholes; who use women for......things. She was cursing in her head, as Brid talked. "Here, makes are born either werewolf or human; with a twenty-five percent chance of them becoming a Waric......a new name they've been using for male witches." Moon opened her mouth to ask; when she stopped her. "Don't ask." She took a breath. "Females here, are born as a vampire or Witch; with a ten percent chance of being human......thanks to that curse, the Bloody Countess cast on us years ago."

  "The Bloody Countess? As in the women who bathed in the blood of her servants who were young and beautiful; making her the same. That 'Bloody Countess'?" Brid nodded. "The very same.....why? Is she in your world?" Moon pondered the thought. "I don't one's ever seen her; and we've heard she been dead for years, after getting caught and  sent to prison.......but they are those rumors."

  Brid tempered. Her own daughter made the same expression when she was thinking. "Did you have a King Arthur here, by any chance?" Brid laughed. "That old grump........he lives not far from here. Come on, I'll show you." Moon was very confused, as she grabbed her wrist; leading her down away from the mass grave, and into the forest. "The Werewolf King has a law: All vampiric females, are to report to his scientists; to be 'cleaned'. In other words.......using the Anti-Vampire serum, he made from my daughter's blood; which destroys are vampire side, and makes us 'Weak Humans' he puts it. He says it's necessary, because werewolves can't have children with females who are vampires; and vice are vampire sides must disappear, in order for us to breed." She scoffed. "More like for us to become weak; so we can't usurp him from the throne.......but there is one thing he doesn't know."

  Brid lifted a hanging branch of a tree. "Vampires and werewolves can have children; my daughter proves it." She smiled. "But......that may be one of the reasons, why he's keeping her. When my husband was killed; after refusing to work for that bastard, we went into hiding, until she......or you.....decided to ask for peace." Her husband died in her arms.; and her daughter was taken........revenge was already brewing in her mind.

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