Two Weeks Of Peace And Quiet......Almost.

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In a little town, not far from the burning mountains; people drive to a small diner. It sat in the outskirts of a small town; or was the first thing you see, when you entered the town. I guess you could was.....normal.

It had the appearance of what towns and cities looked like, before castles, and vampires, and all this servant stuff. It was a sight for sure eyes; and a peaceful place, for those who wanted, to enjoy something different.

Inside the diner, the lunch rush was just about over; giving the waitresses a breather, as the last person left. One waitress, was busy cleaning the tables; grabbing dishes at breakneck speed, veggie dinnertime called her name. "Hey, M.....let's take a break." M turned; wiping her burrow, and blowing a silver stand of hair, out of her face. "Just a sec." She grabbed the remaining dishes, and walked to the kitchen. She joined them a few moments later; letting out a sigh of relief.

"I gotta say,'s been a blessing, having you here for two weeks." One of them said.

"Yeah......when you arrived here covered in blood, we thought you were a ghost." Another chuckled.

M hummed. "Well, it's been nice having a break; instead of being kidnapped, tortured, killed, or forced to marry someone." They all looked at her; winding if she was joking. "Believe me......this is a breath of fresh air, compared to that." They all laughed; still going it was a joke. "Well's good your here to help. We've been so busy lately, and haven't had a break.....since someone wants to by our town; and turn it into a new kingdom for a newly crowned king, if we don't pay in money, and women for the new king."

They all sighed. "Being pampered is good and all, won't last." M could see that. "True." They all refinished in their break; knowing the dinner rush, is soon approaching. M picked up the newspaper; a headline catching her attention.

   "The Twin Kings Of Rainfell To Marry, Lady Kayla, and her sister, Lady Layla.

   The wedding is to take place, a week from this Thursday. It is to be grand event; held in the oldest cathedral in history. Many will come, and watch the spectacle. The brides have ordered security guards, and a part of their father's, private security, to guard the ceremony.

  Only the immediate family, totals, and nobles may attend. ' Peasants', are not allowed to attend; and will be imprisoned upon sight."

They was more to the article; but M was too shocked to finish reading. "So much for waiting, for me." One of the others peeked over her shoulder. "Oh yeah.......these two." She raised a brow. "Is a shame though........the woman they both wanted, is dead. What I wouldn't give, to have a man like that."

The door of the break room opened; the owner poking her head through. "The dinner rush is starting soon. How about you all wash up, before it starts." The door closed behind her. Some of them stood up; stretching their arms above their heads. "Let's get ready." M set down the paper; uninterested with the rest. Later on.....the last customer had finally left; when someone entered the diner. To was a familiar that was left alive..... unfortunately.

  Next to him, was a cocky young man; Gooding a beautiful woman to his side; with chains around her neck. "That's Stephanie." M turned to the small waitress. I think her name is.......Petunia. "She used to work here with us; until they arrived. She's not the first person, to leave us; and go be that means plaything. A few others have left as well; but......I'm not sure what happened to them."

  The owner walked up to the group. "What are you doing here?" She was not happy. "I already paid you the money for this month." She was only a few paces away, before a man held her by the throat. "I can't seem to recall." He was picking his nails; flicking something to the floor. "Which means, you'll need to pay more-" A glass sound; caught their attention. "Oops.....sorry about that." M picked up the shattered pieces; cutting her fingers in the process. "Honestly..... I can't even have a good few weeks, of peace and quiet." She licked her fingertips; picking up a plate, and chucking it at them.......or so she imagined.

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