Saving Nolan.

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"I think, she's past her tolerance." They watched Moon, mutilate another of those 'undead controlled bodies'; that appeared next to her, on the ceiling. She was throwing spear after spear; skewering the mangled body to the wall, and not letting any of it rotten skin show, while the blood, dropped to the ground. Moon shivered. "I'm going to go take a shower," She said; walking to the door with a spear in her hand, before she threw it. It flew through the air, and skewered the creature; through its face, as she turned the corner.

......It was not having a good day.

Moon stood in the shower, scrubbing off the creatures touch, and blood. Not that she had anything against, what it used to be.......but she could.......become what it was......almost like last time.

She emerged from the shower, a few hours later; looking like a boiled lobster, until the cool air hit her skin. She rendered the diningroom, as she in a chair; laying her head on the smooth surface. Mumbling under her breath; while hearing them move the body. "Find me." She rubbed out her ears. "Stupid dreams." The voice got louder and louder; making her grit her teeth, until she couldn't take it anymore. "Fine, you win!" She yelled to no one; ignoring the stares, as she headed for the door. The only place she could think of; that had these creatures, and the voice from her head..........was 'That' place.

She felt fear; just thinking about it. She grabbed her coat from the hook; ready to brace the storm, when her name was called. "Moon....." She turned to see Alec, running towards her; a letter in his hand. "It's a letter, from Beth.......and she sounds hysterical."

Moon took the letter, and began to read it.

"Dear Akatsuki........

If you get this, I hope you're well; and I hope you haven't killed your brothers.....yet. I'm doing will here........."

A few tear stains, we're splattered against the paper; showing signs, that she had been crying.

"I can't stand have to save him, Akatsuki. Save my baby." Her words stated sounding hysterical. "A man can here......asking for you; but we told him, you weren't here. As soon as he saw Nolan.....he stabbed Xander, and the threw me against the wall; before he took him." Lots of tears. "Save my baby, Akatsuki. He hasn't been feeling well, these past few days; and who knows what this man has........and the creatures with him, didn't look right."

Beth had drawn a little picture at the bottom; making her blood run cold. Moon crumpled the letter. "Bring me a map, Alec." She walked briskly; hoping to remember the right place, while looking at a map. "This is the map, for this area.....right?" The butler wondered. "Hold on.....there might be a bigger map." He returned a few minutes later; bringing a map, that took up half the room. "My master, kept this map in his shows the whole kingdom, and the territories of his brothers." He spread it out; having Allen help him, while Moon took off her shoes.

"I suggest you leave the room, if your squeamish....." She stepped onto the map; standing in the middle of a lake, drawn on the paper. Hellios grabbed her a dagger; giving her plenty of room, as the Blood Moon appeared. Moon pierced the tip, of each finger......dragging the blade down, until she reached the middle of her palm; before slashing across her palm, and letting her blood pool. She held the bleeding hand, over the map; letting the blood drip onto the paper, and spread. Puddles of blood, covered each territory; stretching and laying over each town and village, before settling as she sat. Blood pooled beneath her; for!ing the moon, as her eyes turned red. Her right hand, was faced upwards; blood pooling in her palm, until she held it, over a pool of blood.

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