My Chocolate Valentine

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  It was a lovely night.......right before the women went hunting for rogues; they would gather by the campire, and tell stories about their past relationships.

   "Really actually did that?" A woman asked her friend. Georgina smiled; licking her lips at the memory. "He was yummy......but not as much as his brother." The other women laughed; knowing what she meant. Moon (fifteen at the time) shook her head; knowing that cockiness will get them into trouble, one day.

  "What about you, Moon?" She chocked on her juice. "I'm sorry what?" She was a little confused; and uncomfortable with all the stares, as she sat on her lonely log. "We're asking......what about your first love?" Moon thought about it. "Well..........I can't think about a first love........but something else comes to mind." She sipped her drink. "And?" They all were waiting for her to tell it. She sighed; her face wrinkling in disgust. "Are you involves my brothers; and I really didn't want to tell it."

  Soon her lonely log was crowded; everyone listening in on her story. She put down her cup. "Fine......but I'm not going to have fun; telling this story, so be warned."

  She took a deep breath. "It happened when I was twelve.......staying with my brothers for the summer, while my mother was busy with the queen."

   Her younger self had taken a tour of the castle.......six times; bored when no one would play with her, and others were busy.

   "Seen that, and that, and more of that." Her legs were getting tired of walking everywhere. "Is there no one, to play with?" Soon as she said that; someone appeared from one of the rooms......his clothes in disarray and blood on his lips. "Well," His tongue licked the stray drop. "Who do have  here?" He bent to her level.......Moon was not amused. "Excuse me." She tried to move around him; only to be caught by the shoulders, as he pressed his face against hers. Her skin started crawling.

  "So, what brings a cutie like you here?" She felt like hitting him. She pushed his face away. "Your too close......let me go, please." He smelled of sex and blood.......two things that made her gag; which made then worse than the smell of smoke.

  "If your alone, I can hang out wi-" A flying kick, smashed into the side of his face; ripping Moon away from him, before she was caught by two strong hands. "We should of known it was you." Moon looked up into the face, of her older brother. Alec was the one who held her; while Allen kicked him in the face. "I swear......everytime we turn around; you disappear.......and don't touch, our little sister." He hugged her close; which her annoyed, so she pinched him in the stomach, untill he let go.

  "You three can talk about your conquests; I'm going out, into the garden." She left them to argue; breathing in the warm air, as she walked through the flower bushes. The garden....(which no longer held life in the future). Spread out through the castle grounds; and nearing the large forest.

  Moon could feel the love, in the air; everyone celebrating as Valentine's Day, was coming to them all. Her brothers were; with all the women that attach and sleep with them. She thought about it. "I need to make chocolate for Mom, Dad, Aunt Beth, Aunt Vickoria, Uncle Webster......" She needed to make a list; and get started......but she'll need a lot of Chocolate, and Blood Chocolate to make, for everyone.

  She walked back towards the castle; making the list in her head, and finding her 'helpers', to carry it all. She returned from town, with dozens of guards helping her with chocalte, and supplies. "Alright......let's get started." She put on an apron; much to big for her, as she melted chocolate in a giant pot. The chefs and kitchen staff watched her closely; making sure she didn't fall in as she stirred. "Alright....its set the right temperature." She set out the molds; taking out ladles of chocolate, and pouring them inside. Pouring out most of it, and placing different chocolate inside; She did this a few more times, before adding cakes and fruits.

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