Bridget's Past

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  Moon grabbed for Beth's hand; not even thinking of using her wings, as they crashed to the ground. Beth had been put to sleep by a dart in her neck; which left Moon to get up slowly, while breathing the air back into her lungs.

  She got up slowly, cracking the aches in her back; men soon surrounded her......a figure in full armor, standing in front of them. The figure looked Moon over; turning to walk back towards the cars, before speaking. "Take her." She had no idea what was happening; a needle thrust in her neck, before she passed out.

  Beth was set inside the castle; right by the front stairs if the main hallway, before someone found her, and alerted the king.

         Bridget pov-

  Bridget arrived in the infirmary; just coming from sword practice when she heard the news. "What happened?" Alexander was talking to the doctor; everyone else just waiting for the news. Bridget saw the dart, laying on the table; recognizing the color and knowing who made it. "Where did you get this?" She picked up the dart.

  "There is only one person, who has this." She ran out the door; right before anyone could ask her what was wrong. Bridget ran out the front door; stopping to look into the dirt were thousands of footprints  here and there.......but some had the distictive mark she was looking for. They all came outside; just as she stood, and screamed. "That bitch!"

  She started pacing angrily; muttering under her breath about, "Retribution, and retaliation." While they watched. " everything alright? You seem....." Vickoria's voice faded; Bridget glaring at the space behind them. "Alexander I need a knife." He stared at her in shock. "Are you su-"

  "No, not a knife; a gun, two guns........a spear, maybe a few swords." She was listing of the weapons she would need; making them more confused than ever. "Who are you taking about, Bridge?" Alexander spoke for all them; because not one of them, knew what she was taking about.

  "I need to go home.......get a car ready." She stormed out; leaving them all confused and windering what the hell is going on. Well, whatever they would of asked; had to Bridget drove like a mad woman, paying city after city, town after town.

   She only said yes or no, yup their questions as they passed the cities; everyone holding on for dear life, as she swerved sharp corners, and ran through other cars......all of them trying to keep their lunch down.

  It would be four days, when they arrived to their destination......but it would be too late to stop Moon from crossing.....more like; being forced inside.

   Moon pov-

  Her head hurt like hell, as she came two; seeing everything upside down, making her head hurt even more. Her legs were held together by a tight kind of rope, while being hung from the ceiling. You'd think there would be people starting at her; but.....she was only in a windowless room shaped like a dome, with low lights shined on her.

  "Where the hell?" She was more shocked than annoyed; maybe a little surprised at where she was, even when trying to reach the rope around her ankles. She couldn't feel her 'other self'; making her wonder what they stuck her with, as she strained to untie the rope. "Damn......stupid......knots." She was straining to reach then; thinking it was refreshing and a little annoying.

  She finally reached the knot; falling flat on her back once it came loose. "Ow......that hurt." It felt nostalgic, that she wasn't hungry for blood, and could feel normal pain; but it was still fucking annoying when she kidnapped, and held somewhere. Moon finally got her breath back. "Whoever this is..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Someone needs to remind me to kick their ass; for such great hospitality." The lights fit brighter; blinding her for those few seconds, as someone held her down. A metallic hand held her chin; making her body shiver at the feeling, as the lights were dimmed. "I can't believe, what we were hoping for?"

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