The Only Vampiric Mage Preview

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  My actual second book, of The Only Series. About Moon's Daughter, that is soon to be.

  "It's you're fault!" A man yelled at Brynan, as she hugged her two younger siblings closer; daring him to touch them. "My plans, are ruined because of you." He paced in anger. Brynan gnashed her teeth. "That is my uncle's throne......and no one can take it......not even you."

  He slapped her, across the face. "I am, the steward of this none; can stand in my way. Not even, that stupid bitch, you call a mother." He stood by the door. "Give them, to the facility." Brynan held her siblings closer; biting anyone that touched them, as they were forced out. " You'll never get away with this. Your nothing but a sad excuse, of a'll never be, what my mother is."

  He laughed. "Your mother is nothing.......but a pile of dust. By now, my men; have already killed her, and your father. You will soon follow." He watched them, get shoved into a van; laughing to himself, as they were taken away. "Now, to procure my throne." He did not expect the sight, he happened upon, when he returned. "Oh had to try my patience." A bloodied woman, stood amidst the chaos; eyes heavy with annoyance.

  Licking her fingers, she appeared before him. "Now......where are my children?"


   I changed Moonie's name to Brynan. Had no choice.....Moon threatened me to do it, or else. In my opinion, her name shoulder like one of those Moonie Pies I like......but we'll change it.

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