The Viper's Den

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  The next morning, is when their plan would start. Allen became Moon's bodyguard, or Cia; as she's being called, as they walked down to rest, before going to 'battle', the next day.

  "You both can sleep here, for the night; I'll show you around tomorrow, and take you, to meet the queen. Hopefully, her council....won't interfere." Cicara bid them goodnight; closing the door behind her, as they settled. "We'll have to tread lightly; this place has many........dangers, than what we were told." Allen stood next to the door. "We'll need to read about this place, before we make any moves; just in case we didn't know the rules, or customs here." She had a feeling, Cicara, wasn't telling them, the whole story. "I have a feeling, we're not getting the whole story." Moon rolled her eyes. For a 'playboy genius'; her brother, was just figuring that out now.

  "Let's rest, we have a big day tomorrow." They each took a bed; getting comfy, before falling asleep. It only felt like a few minutes, let alone hours; when the door burst open. "Rise and shine, recruits! It's time for training." Allen groaned, "Go away."; putting the pillow over his head, while Moon, or Cia, sat up. Her bleary eyes, looked into the face of the loud voice; trying to  "Up and adam.....I've heard everything from Cicara. Let's get you up, and ready for training."

  She was finally able to focus, on the loud voice's face, rubbing her eyes. It's a woman........a man? "Come on, come on, get moving. We didn't have all day. The man/woman, threw Moon over her shoulder; walking out of the room, while another picked up Allen. Moon propped obey if her elbows, on the person's back; yawning, as she tried to keep her head up. "So......" She let out a big yawn. "What are we doing, exactly?"

The woman holding Cia, answered. "We're getting you fitted, for a uniform, and then getting you a 'Fang Sword'; before training. After a few days, of training with us, and getting into the routine; you will see the queen." Moon/Cia nodded. "I see." Her gaze, traveled to Allen; still far asleep, in the other womans' grip. Rolling her eyes; she felt like hitting him. "Idiot."

  After going down halls, and waking through a few rooms; they stood outside a pair of, dark oak doors. They all, could partially hear, movement inside, before the doors opened. "Lady Helen....what can I do for you?" A stern voice, asked from the doorway. The woman, put Cia down. "We need a fitting for Cicara's cousin, and her bodyguard." Allen was dumped on the floor; his carrier walking past, and into the room.

He sat up, slowly; cursing people, under his breath, and rubbing his head. "Thanks." He said, with as much sleep filled sarcasm, he could muster. Moon had no time to laugh, when she was dragged, to the middle of the room; and put on the small stool, in the middle.

  Five of the women in the room; all wearing different types of clothing, circled her, looking her up and down, and discussing what outfit would be good, for her body. "What about the bikini set?"
  -A model stood off to the side, wearing a halter bikini top; which only covered the nipples, and the bottoms which went straight from her waist, missing her hips, and going straight across her neither regions, and between her cheeks.

Moon shook her head. "No, thank you." They made a face. "What about the leggings, and halter top outfit?"

  -Another woman, wore a leather halter top, with deep cleavage, and no back. Her leather pants, clung to her hips; with holes in sides of both legs, and a small belt, through the loops. "That looks better."
  -One woman argued, that it didn't show her figure enough.

  She brought out, three more models.

   -One wearing, a leather thong, and britches; with only a wrap around their chest.
  -And another wore, a leather string loincloth, with barely anything covering her chest.

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