Side Story: First's History, And Regrets

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  "Damn bastard." First was pacing back and forth; angrily cursing the man she hated, to hell and back.

This was a few hours, before Moon woke up.

"How long has it been?" Moon asked Red. They were born sitting in the same position; since by side, with they're knees up, and elbows resting on them, while they had their fists curled under their chins. Red sighed. "To me......a millennia; to you.........maybe a few hours.....six........ give or take." They both sighed.

 "So......when do you think she'll stop?" Moon wondered; tapping her fingers, against her face.

 "Hmmm........probably never." Red answered. "She's been like this....since they dated, thousands of years ago; and then he dumped her, for the woman he has now. The only thing, that makes her happy; is knowing his curse, is the only thing, keeping him, from changing the woman, into a vampire." Moon sat back; her hands flat against the ground. "So.....if I do kill this....person..... Will it lift the curse?" Red sighed. "It might, but......there's no telling what other spells, or ingredients he used, in order to make the curse. If you do kill him; then things will go back to normal, and girls will be born vampires, but it could also be something different." A thought crossed his mind. "Now that I think about it....." Moon raised a brow. "What is it?"

 Red looked to Dracula. "If he wanted just men to be vampires......then why didn't he curse the werewolves, and witches, as well? He could of just had vampires rule the world; and cursed the others, to no longer exist. "Because, his power; only effects vampires, and their genes." First had finally stopped ranting.....for the moment. "He can only control, the fate of vampires; having no relation to werewolves, and his magic, is not related to the witches bloodline." Red smirked. "And how do you know?" First rolled her eyes; a blush staining her cheeks. "Oh, bite me, Red." She went back to pacing. Red wondered something. "Can you elaborate, please? What did you mean, when he had no connection to the other bloodlines?" He leaned closer; looking like a child, who just saw a sweet new treat, before his eyes. "I thought he was born of both, before he became a vampire?" Moon was suddenly interested.

 First let out a giant breath of air. "Fine.....if you want to know that badly, I'll tell you." She didn't look to happy about, either. "Not that I have a choice. What am I going to use the information for.....I'm already dead." She mumbled a few more things to herself. She dragged a chair from the table; dragging it purposely on the ground, and making a ear screeching sound, before sitting down, and crossing her arms. Things were quiet; silence stretching for the few seconds, while they waited. "Well......." First didn't know where to begin. "Originally, when vampires are born, or created; they no longer have a relation to their obvious life."

"And that applies to him?" Red wondered.

"Um....yes, and no." First scratched her neck. "Usually, a canoe is created by the things."

(Not really......but this is how it is, in my story.)

"One: They can be created, by the death of either family, friends, or someone they loved dearly....A.K.A.....In Dracula's case.

Two: They give up their humanity; and devour the heart of a loved one, or an enemy.

Three: They can be created, by the mass murder; which could be hundreds or even thousands of people. The person could be one of this victims; wounded and or dying, begging to be given a second chance at life.

  Now him...." She thought about the options. "I think he mentioned, beginning a vampire with either option one or option two. Otherwise; he would of had no magic at all, to cast the curse." She cursed him again.

  Red stroked his chin. "So, what your saying is.....he was born a half-breed, of both werewolf and witch, but once he became a vampire, those tires were cut, and he devoured the heart if a witch, to keep his magic." Red tilted his head. "Did I guess right?" First shrugged. "Probably....when I first asked him; he never answered, always dodging the question, and avoiding me after." She had a dreamy look on her face; sighing when a memory came up. "The only way to get him to talk; was pinning him to the floor, and bending an arm and a leg. May have broken them......once or twice." Red shook his head. "I wonder why he broke up with you?" Moon chuckled. "So, what happens if he's able to succeed, and his plans actually are carried out?"

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