Happy dance, happy dance. 15,600 people, have read this book, and come back to read more. I'm a happy author.
Head pounding. Moon awoke to the noise of screeching bats, and fluttering wings. Groaning, Moon sat up, only to lay back down again; rubbing her head. "When did I get inside a cave?" She was laying inside a little alcove; long enough to lay in, but the ceiling was only a few feet in height, for her to sit up. After her head, finally stopped spinning; she scooted out of the alcove, and into the bigger part of the cave. Moon was about to stand up; when something fell from her chest, and almost drop to the floor. She caught the object just in time; before it hit the floor, cradling in her hands. "A tiny bat?"
She walked towards the cave's entrance; trying to make sense, on where she was, and how she got there. "Wasn't I, still inside that, playhouse?" She found it, so annoying; when he called it a playhouse, however......this did not look like said playhouse. The scene, she saw outside of the cave; looked like the Castle of Dracula, from the book, by Bram Stoke. Below the cave; bodies stuck on spears, stood planted into the ground. "Either, I'm in the book; Bram Stoker wrote, or.....this is all a dream." She wonder, is she should jump down; or stay in the cave. "I'm so going to regret this, but....." She chose the first option; jumping down from the cave, nearly avoiding the spear heads. Moon stuck the bat, inside a pocket of a coat; that had just appeared on her, before walking through the bodies. Making it to the end of the walkway; she looked up the large hill, to the huge castle sitting on top. "This is....a very bad idea."
Never go inside a creepy castle; it will always lead to trouble. She knocked on the large doors; hearing silence answer back, as she waited. She lifted her hand, to knock again; only to see the door swing inwards. She peeked inside. "I could enter, but....that would put me into a dangerous, or weird situation; or....I could just stay out here, and stare at rotting corpses all day." She didn't even think about it. "Let's go inside."
Moon walked inside the castle; body tense, as she waited for something to happen. Her nerves were on edge; feeling the tension in the air. Something jumped out at her; just as the large door, slammed shut. She ducked; a blade whipping past her head, going in for the kill. A voice spoke from the darkness. "Hasn't anyone ever told you, it's rude, to enter someone's home, without knocking?" Moon turned; trying to keep his eyes, in her sight. "And hasn't anyone ever told you; to answer a door when someone knocks?" She ducked; landing a blow to his stomach, as he tried to cut her head off, again. "It's also very rude; to cut someone's head off, when they're trying to talk."
He appeared from the shadows. Moon was surprised, when he appeared. "Alucard?" He held a sword to her neck. "Who are you?" Moon nodded. "Ah, right. Ancient Alucard, and not the one I know today." She pushed the sword away. "Put that away, before I shove it somewhere uncomfortable." She looked around. "Red....I know your there. Come out.....you too, Dracula." She tapped her foot, and crossed her arms, over her chest; as the two appeared. She had a deep scowl on her face; full of confusion, and annoyance. "Can someone tell me, what's going on?" She pinched her nose. "I'm not dead....am I?" Red stroked his chin. "Well......not yet, at least." She felt exhausted. "What is that supposed to mean? I wish you would stop speaking in riddles, and tell me the truth. It always makes me want to smack you. Even if your not alive anymore."
She knew, she sounded like a bitch; but she was too tired, and too scared, to care right now. Red winked at her. "You know, for the only female vampire; you do have quiet a temper." Moon stuck her tongue at him. "Yeah, and who's fault is that?" Her eyes narrowed. He chuckled. "Hey, it's not my fault." He side pointed to Dracula; who then rolled his eyes. "Nice try, Blood; but you know how that works. Besides.......none of us, have the temper, like that." Blood chuckled; mouthing 'He does', to Moon, as she raised a brow. Sure...so those bodies outside, are not from you losing your temper? Blood stroked his chin. "Well, if she's not related to us, then......she could be related to her." Alucard sheathed his sword. "You had to say it." He stood over by the wall, and leaned against it; arms crossing over his chest. Dracula had froze; turning to glare, at an innocent whistling Red.
The Only Female Vampire
VampireIt's a world ruled by men, but not any man mind you, vampires. All the men in this world are vampires, while the woman are human. And no, it's not turn a woman into a vampire thing. The woman stay human, but their children do not. The boys turn into...