Merlin's Arthur

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    After hours of feeding and eh-hem, other things......Moon's appetite was finally sated... For now at least. Right now......she was hiding her face in shame. Despite the fact that he's The Merlin.......she 'devoured' everything.....and I mean everything. Moon couldn't look at him, as he sat in one of the pools in the cave; healing the bite wounds and replenishing his magic......she was such a pun intended.

  She could hear Allen's taunting now; right before she strangled him to death. Just thinking about it, made her hungry again; but she ignored it. "Why don't you join me......the water is just fine." She peeked at him through her fingers; shaking her head furiously, before speaking. "No, thank need to heal and calm down; and I need to stay over here, before I do something we'll both regret." Or probably won't be able to stop. She thought; not wanting to say it out loud, incase he had any ideas.

  He stood from the pool; giving her a three hundred and sixty degree view, of him and all his glory. Moon turned away. "Just sit back down.....we'll talk after your done." She squeaked; surprised when he lifted her in the air by magic, and her clothes disappeared with a snap of his fingers, before she was standing with him.

  Moon moaned when she felt his cock against her back; throbbing for more of her attention, as its owner ran hands down her front to cup her sex. "We can talk in here." He sat with her in his lap. "I've always wondered......arent you supposed to have a lover......Nimue, was it?" She turned to search his face. "Why aren't you with her, and came to like me instead? Your thousands of years old, I've been told; and have only had her and Arthur in your lives." He laughed.

  "That was my great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather........not me. The Arthur you've heard about, is the one from his time. And the only reason why he fell for this woman....this because she looks like Guenivere from a long time ago." Moon tried to understand that logic, was still confusing. "So he had your great-great, how many great grandfather curse women to never become vampires; but somehow.....this woman is ankle to stay alive for these hundreds of years, but is not a vampire?"

  She really couldn't understand the logic in that. "Actually......they didn't expect the curse to manifest into a person; stopping every make from wanting to turn their loved ones, to keep them with them. Over the years, the curse has slipped and aloud some women to have vampire genes; but they don't stay alive as long as they think."

  Ain't that the truth. She remembered two years ago, when the council tried to kill her; like they did to any other woman with vampire genes before her.....but her vampire side was totally pissed off, and ate them......well just there bodies really. (Review chapters 1-10, to figure out what she meant.)

   "So she is the embodiment of the about irony." She kind of laughed at that. Moon needed that; it realeased some of the tension she was feeling, while sitting on his lap. But she doesn't look that old......which made her wonder a few things. "Maybe she is, maybe she's not. No one knows. But the curse was to be, No female was to be a Vampire; but nature as we've seen......can overwrite that."

  Moon was one example......besides her great grandmother. "She has my family.......and the only way she'll give them back; is when she is turned into a vampire. Turning her, my ass." Moon would turn her, over her dead body. "I think that is the idea."

  He'd lost her. "She become a full vampire. And the way in her mind, is either your blood......or your death." Moon figured that out; with all the times her Minions had kidnapped her, and tried to use her blood for their use or experiments. She still shivered, as she remembered that one place of the Collector and his creepy creatures; with the large pit of darkness.

  That still gave her nightmares.

  But this game must end; so many lives were already lost to her greed, and now Moon's family was caught in her web. "We all have to make sacrifices. For the curse to be broken, it's main body must die; or it will only get worse, and no one will live after this. The curse had been altered before my time, and after the original Merlin had already perished." He set her aside, and stood from the pool.

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