Werens in the Dungeon

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 Sebastian and Moon fell through the trap door, and slid towards the catacombs beneath. They slid against the hard surface, and fell through a hole; before falling into a hallway. Moon coughed. "Can we switch back now, it's fucking hard being you." Moon ripped off the blood mask, and returned to Sebastian, while his double rolled his eyes. "Wuss." He too ripped off his mask, and revealed the real Moon. "Oh come on, you thought it was fun. Imagine my surprise, when I was coming up with a plan to figure out a way to go with my father and not be noticed, when you found me, and suggested this." She was originally going to go as a fly on the wall, but this was better than that. "Who knew the new guard was scared of fighting?"

 He glared at her. "I'm not that scared." A sound resonated through the hallways; which made him yelp and jump in her arms. "Yeah, not that scared." She dropped him on the ground. Moon took off the armor. "How can you guys move in this?" She breathed better with only the light armor. "Much better." Her ears picked up a noise, as she looked towards one of the hallways. Throwing the heavy, metal armor in a room; she grabbed Sebastian and hovered near the ceiling. She covered his mouth, a giant creature walked below them. They both held there breath. A werewolf? This wolf sniffed the air, as they tried to hide more in the shadows of the ceiling.

 It growled, before looking up at them. "Fuck." Moon only had one option. She did something to make Sebastian float, before diving towards the wolf. It roared, before she dove for it's neck, and sank her fangs in it's skin. It roared in pain; trying to claw her with it's nails.  Moon pinned it to the floor; grabbing bother arms, and hiking an elbow under it's chin, as her fangs sank deep. The wolf's struggles died down, as she gulped it's blood. When she felt it collapse into unconsciousness; she stopped drinking, and pulled back. Moon licked her lips, and stood; trying to brush the extra blood off her.  She remembered Sebastian, and snapped her fingers. He fell to the ground with a thud; half falling on the unconscious wolf's legs.

  "Is there a light anywhere?" He grabbed a torch, and handed it to her. "Let's see what this is." She held the light high; illuminating the werewolf's body. "I thought werewolves were healthier than this?" She turned it's head. "It looks half dead." Part of the werewolf's face looked torn, and showed some of it's teeth through the skin; while other parts of the body had tears, and showed either muscle or bone. Moon knew she hadn't killed it; as it's chest was slowly moving, but she couldn't detect a heartbeat. "Let's hurry to my mother. I didn't kill the creature, but I don't want to be here when it wakes up." They hurried down the hall. "Which room is it?" Sebastian couldn't remember because he was Moon at the time.

 Blood mask: good at changing your form, not good for keeping the memories from the change.

  Moon smelled a heavy scent of blood, and followed it to a hallway, with a door opened at the end. She smelled her mother's blood, and something else. She ran inside the room, and looked around. Her mother, and Vikcoria were on there sides; blood covering them, the floors and walls. She ran over, and checked their pulse; breathing a sigh of relief as they were both alive, but in critical condition. Moon felt something snap inside her, as she screamed in pain and retaliation. Those above even heard her cries; shivering in fear, as something told them it was seeking revenge. Sebastian entered the room, as she turned them over, and opened their mouths. "What are you going to do?" He asked, but she gave no answer, as she bit a finger on each hand, and held them over their opened mouths.

 "This will be enough to heal some internal injuries, but they'll need to see a doctor as soon as possible." Some of the wounds on their face and body healed; making them gasp in pain. "Help me pick them up." She grabbed her mother, and slung an arm over her shoulders. Sebastian grabbed Vikcoria, and followed Moon. Her eyes searched the ceiling, as she looked for a trap door they could use.

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