The Blood Moon

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  The Blood Moon rose high in the sky; illuminating the earth below, into a red scene of a blood. Once the light hit Moon's back; she felt the urge to walk towards the pond. The other Moon had escaped from the chains, and grabbed her leg; as she started to walk off.  The only made her melt into a puddle of blood, before joining  Moon in her shadow. Raiyne had finally been able to move; and tried to stop her, as she stood on the edge of the now glowing red pond. As though in a trance; Moon lifted her foot, like she was going to fall off the edge of a cliff, and took a step. She melded through the water; the world around her freezing, and disappearing as she exited into a space of red.

 Well, the only thing red, was a large body of water, that stretched far as you could see. "Where am I?" She looked around. Only the red water, was able to provide color to the white space. Moon was really confused, as tried to walk. She caught herself in surprise; as she fell over. "What?" She was sort of bending over with her feet stuck to the ground, and not moving. "This is just too weird." She was leaning inches away from the water surface; her reflection clear in the bloody liquid. She trailed her fingers through the water; seeing another face appear above her. "You must be Akatsuki? Or is it Moon?" She turned to look at the figure. "Um, before I answer, can you get off me please? This kind of hurts." The face disappeared, before she stood straight. A young girl stood next to her; a giant smile on her face.

 The girl rubbed her chin; looking her over. "Your different than the rumors said." She grinned; flashing her fangs. "Nice. At least your not like those weaklings I call relatives." Moon had no idea what she was talking about; until someone else appeared on her back. "Shut the hell up, Kiana. Like we wanted to be related to you either." Moon grimaced. "Can you get!" Her back was starting to hurt; but they chose to ignore her opinion, until she snapped. "Fuck it!" Her wings shot out of her back, and tired to stab the figure, that was sitting on her spine; missing a few inches. "Woah, hold your horses." Moon was glaring, bent over at the man who appeared next to the little girl. She huffed. "My back is not a chair; so stay the hell off of it." Her wings lay flat against her back; hoping to ward them off. The one white wing, looked bigger than the others; probably because it still was missing it's twin.

 The scene changed from bloody water, to a forest of dark and large trees; which made Moon almost fall on her face. An arm shot out, and grabbed her by her middle; pulling her into a hard chest. Moon jerked away from the figure; backing up into a tree, and watching the three strangers. "Who are you? And why am I here?" The taller man of the three, shrugged and leaned against a tree. "Hold your horses. We'll tell you once the others get here." Others? A breeze blew through the trees; making her cover her eyes at the wind, before opening them to see more people had appeared. The one that stood out the most; was a man dressed in red. (Grell anyone? Hee.)

 Third pov- Outside the space between-

 Beck had felt something move in the world, as he had walked through the castle halls. He had gone outside, and saw Moon; walking through the street, and then flying into the darkness. "What is going on here?" He ran back inside, and grabbed her father, and the others.

 They drove after her; Beck having to look at the sky every now and then, to see if they had lost her or not. "Are you sure it was Moon? I thought she was already gone." Allen was skeptical about it being her; Alec......couldn't tell from his face, if he believed it or not. "What other person do you know, has a mischievous smirk on their face, and wings?" Allen shrugged. "Okay,but you better be right." He sounded a little bored. Alexander hoped what he said was true, and that she was unharmed.

 They had followed Beck's directions, to abandoned kingdom. Beck gave them no time to stop; as he jumped out of the moving car, and ran after the almost transparent figure. Xavier had pushed the break hard; making people hold on for dear life, and the car come to a screeching stop. "Damn it, Beck!" Beck was already gone across the castle grounds; before he could reprimand him. "Come on. I need to make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Of course, he wanted to hurt him, himself. "Beck, where the hell did you go?" They ran through the castle, and out into the back door; where Beck was standing by something in mid-air. He shushed Xavier; before pointing to the object. "What do you make of this?" A leaf was frozen in mid-air; as were bugs and birds trying to hide from the Blood Moon.

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