A Story of the Moon

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  What do you think Bernie asked for?

 It was a few days after they had returned to the castle, when Moon was laying against a tree, and sighing. She had no lessons today, since her father and brothers were getting ready to travel to the place her mother was, apparently scared to go. Her father finally told her the story, and he told her the name of the town was Frostfell. A town covered in snow, and a frost. Vampires who had white skin, and felt really cold to the touch lived there. The king of the Frostcall, was named Bernard the fourth, and his queen was, Contera Viora, one of the royal vampires of another country. They had four sons, and no daughters. But their second son was getting married to a woman of noble background.

 Her father, mother, Vikcoria, the king of that country and queen, used to all be friends, but something happened and they all went their separate ways. Her father didn't want her to go, so she could stay safe here. An idea clicked in her head. "Maybe, I'll talk to Bernie." She stood from the ground, and brushed the leaves off her. "I guess I'll help with his condition." She unfurled her wings; shaking them out, and flew over to the guard training areas. People pointed as she flew closer, before descending to the ground. "Your highness?" She turned to the men. "Hello, can someone tell me where Bernie is?" They pointed to the sword training area. "Thank you."

 Bernie sighed; leaning on one of the swords, and looking at the sky. "Hi, Bernie." He fell back on his ass, as she stared at him upside down. Moon giggled. "Sorry, for scaring you, but I called your name a few times and you didn't answer." Her feet touched the ground; wings disappearing back into her back. "So, what does your condition entitle exactly?" She sat indian style in the air, while little wings helped her float. He sat on the ground; looking sad and lonely. She went down a few inches, and patted his shoulder. She floated upside down. "Bernie, look." He raised his tear streaked face to hers; watching her make a funny face. He blinked, before falling back in laughter. "See, I can make people laugh." She fist bumped the ground. "Oops." He rolled in laughter. "So, what exactly are you looking for in a partner?" She tilted her head; the blood rushing to her brain at an angle.

 "I'm not sure." He sighed. She was spinning in a circle when he looked up; looking absolutely bored. "Maybe someone whose kind, strong, a good kisser, funny, a little possessive, and has a kindness to him." Moon hummed to herself. "Hmm, what about someone here? They all, well some have all those qualities....I think." Bernie shook his head. "No, I have a feeling they don't go my way, and it would be very awkward with all of them." He was sweating a little bit. "Your lucky." Moon gave a sigh, and sat down next to him on the grass; the spinning making her dizzy. "You know what you want, but I know have two men after me." She sulked. "The only thing men think about, are their dicks, and were to put them." Bernie coughed in surprise; freezing when her head landed on his shoulder. "Never....forget your heart....Bernie."

 She sighed, before taking a short nap. Bernie sighed. "If only I was as lucky as you." His head lay on hers, and he yawned; before falling asleep. Allen and Alec, found them like that, and felt a little annoyed. "Moon, Moon." They shook her shoulder. Her eyes shot open, as she bumped heads. "Ow!" They all held their heads in pain. "Why'd you wake me up?" She yawned, about to fall back to sleep; as her tiny wings flared out while she hovered above the ground. They yanked her down; waking her up again. "What did you two want anyway?" She elbowed Bernie; rubbing her elbow when it hit his ribs. "Do all guys have hard muscles?" She looked to their stomachs, and poked their ribs. Allen held in his laughter, while Alec just blinked at her.

 "Allen, your too open." He wrapped his arms around his ribs. "No, I'm not." She looked at Alec; who was hiding a smirk. "I'll ask again, what do you want?" She jabbed Bernie in the side; making him jump up, and fall over. After laughing a little, they helped them up. "Dad wanted us to grab the guards, and pick the ones coming with." Moon rolled her eyes. "Of course he did." The grabbed the back of Bernie's shirt, and dragged him. "We'll see you later." Bernie looked confused as hell, as they dragged him off. Moon had an idea. She followed silently behind them; whistling softly.

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