The Werewolves

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 Third pov-

Alec was pacing furiously, as Allen watched him. "Why don't you stop pacing, or I'll glue you to a chair." Alec glared at him. "I'd like to see you try, asshole." They glared at each other. "Stop it, both of you. We don't have time for you to yell at each other." Alexander entered the room. He looked on the brink of collapse from exhaustion, as he sat in one of the empty chairs. "It's already been a few days, and we still can't open the trap doors." He rubbed his face. "This is getting us nowhere." Allen thought of something. "Wait, is they had the trap doors going into the dungeon, don't they have doors that would let the guards take the bodies somewhere else?"

 They both looked at him with awe. "Unless, they just leave the bodies there to be eaten." And now their awe, turned into scowls. "Way to make yourself look stupid, Allen." Alec scoffed. ""Fuck you, Alec. I'm trying to think of something too." They glared at each other. "What's all this noise?" They turned to the door, seeing a pissed off Bridget, and a sleepy Vikcoria. "Can't you idiots, stop fighting for two seconds?" Bridget slammed the door shut, and plopped in a chair. Vikcoria yawned, and sat by Alexander on the couch. "Why the hell does my head hurt?" Bridget rubbed her temples. She wanted to fall asleep again, but knew they would wake her up with their bickering. "Why are you two fighting this time anyway? If Akatsuki here's you, she'll kick your ass." Silence ensues, as no one speaks after that.

 Bridget looked at them. "What...did I say something wrong?" Alexander swallowed his fear, as her eyes turned to him. Even Vikcoria snapped awake, as she heard the tone of her friend's voice. "Alexander? What are you not telling me?" He said nothing; sweat rolling down his neck, as her eyes stared into his soul. "It's nothing." He smiled. If I tell her now, she'll kill me. "By the way, how did you arrive here?  I remember you staying back home, and visiting Moon in the castle." He clamped his mouth shut, at the mention of Moon. "We remember seeing Moon, and then a man came in, saying she was to become the property of his master. After we were knocked out, we woke up chained to the walls of a dungeon, and that bitch Contera, with her men." Bridget put a hand to her head. "I was unconscious most of the time, but I could still feel the blows to my body. I even heard the screams of Vikcoria in my unconscious state."

 Vikcoria squeezed his hand; her body shivering. "We could feel each blow, but now, it feels like it never happened." Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Sebastian entered the room. "You summoned me, my lord?" He bowed. Bridget looked to the boy. "Alexander, who is this?" Sebastian had gone back to his scared personality; Allen's power fading. "My name is Sebastian, your ladyship. I'm a new recruit to the king's guard, and a friend to your daughter." Bridget sighed. "I see." Alexander gestured for Sebastian to sit, and tell them his side. After a few hours of explaining; Allen was holding Alec down on the ground; keeping him from finding Contera, and ripping her head off. Bridget was seething in rage. Her face so red she couldn't say a word, without screaming. Vikcoria, was a little more calm, than the others; but behind the mask, anything can blow. "So, Moon saved our lives, with her blood, and even stayed behind while we were taken to safety?"

 Bridget threw a glass against the wall. "That's bullshit! She should be here with us, and not down there, with whatever those things are."  She screamed in anger. She started marching towards the door; before Alexander grabbed her hand. "Where are you going?" She tried to tug her hand. "I'm going to beat that bitch into submission, and get my daughter back." She jerked her hand out of his grasp, and marched for the door; ready to beat Contera, had something not hit the back of her neck, and knocked her out. Alexander set her on the couch. "She'll kill me when she wakes up, but we can't have her alerting the council." He pinched his nose. "Why is that?" His tired eyes, looked at Vikcoria. "Because, if she goes to Contera now, we may never know where they put Frost, or if he's even still alive. We also don't know if there are other people involved in this."

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