The Game Ends

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   Baroness Elizabeth Bathory was what she was called, throughout the time in her old life. Trying everything to stay young, but nothing worked......until the blood of her young maid richer her skin; from there it all went downhill.

  To become the Bloody Baroness was a dream; something she never thought she would achieve in her youth, like her predessecor.....Dracula. Escaping that prison when she was caught was not easy; having to use thblood of a young servant girl, that came to give them their last meal......and dressing her in her clothes, before she escaped.

  Hundreds of years later, and she still couldn't become a true vampire......only staying in one place; killing ting girls, and then moving again. That is......until she met Arthur Pendragon; the answer to her bloody prayers....or so she thought. Cozying up to the man; hoping he'd turn her, since she was the spitting image of his late wife Guinevere......but nothing. He soon realized what she was up to; not actually in love with him like he thought, but using him to fill her greed. Her anger rose when he imprisoned her; cutting her dream to a close at the time, before she thought he was going to set her free.

  But revenge weighed heavily inside her; when his mage cast a curse on every woman who wanted to be turned. Elizabeth was happy she had charmed a guard beforehand....letting her escape again; her vengeance was swift and vast.

  Now only one person stood between her, and what she wanted; and no one.......was going to stop her.

  "She's here, mistress." Elizabeth watched her enter through the gates; her high view from the tower window, a big advantage she had almost forgotten after running for so long.

  Moon had finally exited those stuffy tunnels; but now the ruined castles stood in her way. "Well, I could use my wings to fly up there, and get this done......but then it would probably continue on and on. There was only a few things left to do; then she could rest, and live her days in peace.

  Men came to meet her; making her sigh in frustration, while smiling slightly. "I don't suppose, you guys will just let me pass without fighting.....would you?" They approached with sword a drawn; some.....even had dried blood on them. "I thought not." She sighed. "Lets get this over with." She gestured the first few forward; already knowing, how this would turn out.

  She can't spare their lives.....can she? Moon dodged one sword swipe; already bored with this fight, and feeling more tired than normal. The fifteen men, Elizabeth sacrificed, lay dead at Moon's feet; her dead eyes starting up to catch the Baroness' gaze, while blood coated her body....and she didn't even wipe it off.

  More and women blocked her path through the castle; all told their lives would be better following Elizabeth, and dying for her greed. Moon didn't even need a weapon, to fight them all.....she was the weapon. Ever since she turned eighteen, two years ago....she never thought she would end up like this.

  Fighting for her life, sure......meeting a man and possibly starting a family.....maybe; but.....turning into a female vampire, and being taken here and there.....never. She mostly thought her life would be boring; besides the occasionly kicking vampire butt.....but this.....was ridiculous. Now she was facing the final to speak; fighting her last speck of freedom, before all this would be over. And she and Merlin would have a long talk about, about curses and magic.

  Moon finally stood in front of the throne room door; aged and broken without care and anyone living inside the castle, but it could still keep out intruders. She knocked. The sound echoing through the empty castle; despite the few people left inside. "Im here, up." The bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, was getting worse and worse; the doors creaking open to show Elizabeth and her remaining army.......with Moon's captured family in a black puddle of liquid, that lay inside a small crevice.

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