Executions and Revelations

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 After the display of Moon's vampire nature, and the shattering of the woman they came to know as, Cassandra Cleming. A woman born seventy years ago, and born with a part of the vampire gene. She had been on the council for forty years, and recruited more of the same women with the vampire gene into her little group. Apparently, she had found the method to stay young from a book about the 'Bloody Countess: Elizabeth Bathory'. About how she would kill her young maids, and bathe in their blood to stay young. (The bloody countess above.)

 She and the others had spent fifty, to sixty years killing, and draining the blood of young girls. Countless children who were never seen again. The remaining members were to be beheaded, and their bodies left out in the sun to rot, as a reminder to others. After covered in blood, Moon had been taken back to her room, before appearing again in a pair of pants, and a loose shirt; a bandage around her neck. When the rest of the council was taken away to await their fate, a little surprised happened as everyone was going to leave to their kingdoms. Vincent and his son, ran like hell was at their heels, as Moon looked at them like they were a snack before going home. She giggled, as they disappeared out of sight.

 They all shook hands, and were about to leave, when the twins steppe towards Alexander. "May we speak with you, my lord?" They went off to talk, as Bridget and the others went to the room. Moon sulked; sitting on the bed. "You guys did that on purpose, didn't you?"  Bridget went deeper into the closet. "It was actually fun to dress you up. I've tried many times, but you've always disappeared." She came out with some shirts. "And you looked beautiful; it was a good thing we switched dresses. I hate blue, it reminds me a of a mission to see vampires in the cold countries." She shivered. Vikcoria came inside with a few bags. "Speaking of which, the king of those cold countries, sent a letter to us. His second son is getting married, and he invited us to come." Bridget started shivering, as Moon looked from one to the other.

 "What are you guys talking about?" Her mother stood up quickly. "Nothing you need to worry about." She started moving like hell was on her heels; going from the closet, and to bag in three seconds. She looked at Vikcoria. "Should I be worried, or curios?" Vikcoria smiled. "Well, the thing is,  your mother is a little scared of the queen there."

 "I am not." She yelled out from the closet.

 "Yes, you are." Vikcoria argued back.

 "Like hell I am." She marched out of the closet; her face red in anger. "That woman needs to get her priorities straight, and stop sending me threatening mail, or I'll shove them up her ass."

 They started arguing back and forth; as Alec, and Allen came in and sat next to Moon. She whispered before they could ask. "We were invited to attend a wedding, but mom doesn't want to go because she's scared of the queen."

 "I am not." Bridget was heaving in and out, steam rolling out of her ears, and her teeth grinding together. The siblings looked from one to the other; enjoying the show. "Sorry about that, I...... Did I interrupt something?" The pointed to a steaming Bridget, before she threw her hands in the air, and stormed to the bathroom; slamming the door in the process. "Did I miss something?" He looked very confused, as Vikcoria sighed. "They invited us to a wedding of their second son, and Bridget is scared of going." The door opened a crack, as a brush was thrown through towards her head, before it slammed shut again. Alec spoke up, what they all were thinking. "This is better than a fight."

 They were laying on their stomachs, and hands curled against their faces as they looked from one to the other. After thirty minutes, Moon and the others fell asleep on the bed.

 "I'm not fucking scar-" Bridget began, before Vikcoria interrupted.

 "Shh." She pointed to the bed, where they all were asleep. Alexander gestured to the hallway, and waited as they closed it. "So, what did those men want?" Alexander growled. "They want permission to court Moon. They told me how they watched her beat those men into a bloody pulp, and covered in blood." He grimaced in disgust. "They said she was 'Gorgeous' covered in blood. No man wants to hear how their daughter looks, covered in blood." They walked into on of the dining rooms. "So, what did you say?" Bridget grabbed his arm. "I refused, but, I have a feeling they won't give up that easily."

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