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   It had been four years.......since Moon died; her family still coming to this place and laying flowers on her tomb.

   Mer hadn't been here to see Moon, since he came when they first buried her here; now he came with a bunch of flowers, and a small child. "Come, Moonie." He held out his hand; waiting for her to take it.

  "Coming, papa." She grabbed his hand; a few weeds clutched in her fist. Moon had been pregnant.....in that fight against the Bloody Baroness; but she didn't realize it, until Mer told her....right before she passed. He used a spell to keep the baby alive, while it grew in her womb; others wondering where she came from, and Moon's brother, Allen.....thinking he carried her, like Moon once did.

  Which made Allen laugh hysterically, until Alec beat him; making them even more sad, since Moon was gone. Now they walked through the snow, and went inside her masoleum; candles flickering to life, with a snap of his fingers. "Here......let me see that." He took the weeds she held, and put then in the vase with the flowers.

  Moonie was just like Moon. Stubborn, loving, and really strict on giving her opinion; but that's what Mer always liked about Moon.....even if he did have a hand in creating her features to resemble his late Nimue.

  "Papa, is mama in here?" Moonie was trying to push the lid of the stone coffin; but she couldn't quite reach. "Here." He moved the lid, and lifted her up. Moon still looked the same, to when she was buried; even though it had been four years.

  "Mama?" Moonie touched her face; but she didn't move. "Let's go home, Moonie." They walked out of the tomb, and into the snow......but Moonie rubbed her eyes; Mer bent to pick her up, but she ran back towards the tomb before he could stop her.

  "Moonie......really?" His eyes widened. "You know I hate that name." Moonie laughed; happy she was held from the snow. "Mama!"

   It is done. Two years of this, and we are done. I hated to kill her......but there wouldn't be a second book without her.

  It's been a pleasure to write for you readers; and for you to enjoy my book... Hope you have a pleasant day, and I'll see you again in the next book, and my other stories.

  Bye, bye.

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