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  They heard the scraping sound; as footsteps walked towards them. "Tylerrr..........where'd you go?" They all recognized Moon's voice; but......they didn't expect her, to be covered in blue blood, and holding a large axe in one hand, and a severed head in the other. "Now, now, Tyler......that wasn't very nice."

  She propped the rusty axe, on her shoulder; throwing the severed head, in Tyler's lap. "Its a shame, they weren't stronger.......I wanted, to have a bit of fun." She sighed. "That's what you get, when you've been dormant for fifteen years." Allen stepped towards her. "Moon?"

   The figure of Moon, didn't like to be could see from the scowl on her face, before Allen's body jerked. "Your annoying." Her hand, was buried in Allen's chest; fingers digging into his heart. "Can I kill you?"

  Allen thought she was joking; until her fingers dug deeper. Her eyes held a dead look; as she watched his reaction. She made a move, to pull out his heart; when a sharp pain, rang through the body, and she spit out blood. She removed her hand, from his chest; wiping away the blood, on her chin, with a grimace. "This bitch, will not quit."

  She was just about to yank his heart out; until a hand, struck her from behind. "You.......bastard." An arm covered in frost, grabbed her by the waist. Allen coughed, while trying to take a deep breath......forgetting the deep hole in his chest; until he started choking and sputtering. Alec pounded his back; causing him to cough more.

  Moon......or whoever was in her body; was knocked a bloody fashion, while a man held Moon's hunched body. His skin was a deep, ice blue......covered in icicles; while his cold eyes, watched them. Hellios walked forward. "Let me see her." He and the other man, were at a standoff.......each wanting to get Moon; but not wanting the other, to interfere.

  The others could feel tension between them; making Alexander stepped towards the two, to ease the tension. "Now that we have her......why don't we go back to castle? I'm sure, my wife can look her over; before......." He gave him no time to finish; holding Moon close, while grabbing Hellios by the neck, and disappearing in the snow.

  The others, were coveted in heaps of snow.......not really feeling cheery; as it got into certain places. "Just great."

  The man appeared in a deep ice cave.....still holding Moon; but had dropped Hellios into a freezing lake, on the way. He set Moon down on the frozen bed; removing the ice from his skin, and taking out a knife. There was one good thing, about hiding a blade in your coat, before your frozen.......they'll never search your pockets; and freeze you with it.

  He set the knife by Moon's head; watching the veins in her body, turn blue from the creatures' blood, before he took the blade, and cut her skin. He moved from the top of her shoulders, to the bottom of her wrists; letting the blood drip from her body, and into the holes beneath the bed. He had cut lines on her legs, across her stomach and neck.....even the bottom of her feet had cuts; draining the blood from her body, just as Hellios arrived, soaking wet and really pissed off.

   A red flame, covered his body; as his fangs and claws appeared. "You bastard." He charged the man, holding the knife......not a very good idea; when he had it pointed towards his chest, and rushed the man. They fought......cutting, slashing, and biting each other; which splattered blood ever where, even in Moon........who was having the blood drained from her body. That was.......until she woke up.

  Moon felt like lead......her body heavy; as the blood drained into the holes beneath her. She weakly turned her body; watching Hellios and the other man fight, while trying to get them to stop.

  Being hotheads, and problematic morons........they couldnt hear her; which pissed her off enough, to roll of the ice bed, and grabbed a broken icicle. "I hate this."

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