"Aang," Sokka sighed. "I'm trying to be mature and not immediately shoot down your idea. But..."
"It sounds really terrible," Mangetsu finished.
"I thought you were on Aang's side?" I asked.
"I hated school before, and I hate school now," Mangetsu groaned.
"You went to school?" Muteki asked.
"Yeah, the village had a school."
"Was it big?" Aang asked.
"Were there lots of pretty girls?" I followed up, wiggling my eyebrows.
"I'd rather not talk about it."
"Don't alienate yourself," Muteki growled. "We're a team, and we have to trust each other."
"Or, you could just stop interrogating me," Mangetsu rubbed his throat, a frown forming on his face.
"Thirsty?" Katara asked, handing him her water skein.
Mangetsu gave a small smile of appreciation and drank a little before handing back the skein.
"But I agree with Getsu," Toph put her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Why would you want to go to school? We already have these great disguises."
"But I'm learning so much about the Fire Nation while I'm there," Aang tried not to sound whiny, but it wasn't really working. "I even have this picture of Fire Lord Ozai."
"It's fake!" I pointed at it. "You can see the lines where it was airbrushed!"
"It's called a painting doofus!" Jin hit me backside the head. It hurt.
"And here's one that I made out of noodles!" he held up another piece of parchment covered in pasta.
"It's more of a Picasso," I shrugged.
Muteki hit me this time.
"Unfortunately, the teacher burned his," Aang pointed at Mangetsu.
The other boy lounged against Appa's fur... then sneezed.
"What do you mean 'unfortunately'? You're the one who ratted me out!"
"The teacher said it was too rude," Aang sighed.
"Again, you're the one who told her in the first place."
"Impressive, I admit," Sokka stroked an invisible beard. "But I still think it's too dangerous."
"I guess we'll never find out about the secret river then," Aang said deviously. "It goes right to the Fire Lord's palace. We were supposed to learn about it in class tomorrow."
He let the sentence hang.
Sokka resumed his stroking of invisible beard. "I am a fan of secret rivers... Fine, let's stay a few more days."
"Flamey-o, Hotman!" Aang ran off in excitement.
Sokka turned to Katara. "Flamey-o??"
Katara shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm guessing it's like saying 'Awesome' for someone back home on The Island," I joined the shrugging.
"More like something from the '90s like groovy," Muteki suggested.
"Stop, that makes me cringe so bad," Jin shivered.
"That is so Fetch!" I camped harder than I have ever camped before.
"Stop trying to make Fetch a thing," Muteki put his camp voice on too. "It will never be a thing!"
"I swear, if you don't stop, I will set your hair on fire," Jin threatened.
"Might help us to cool off, Eh?" I joked.
"... no ..." Muteki narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't tempt fate. Her fire will freeze you like a popsicle."
"Not if my fire isn't frosty," she said, a red flame coming to life in her palm.
I shutted up real quick.
Accidental Avatar 3: Totally Lit
FanfictionPreviously, disaster struck, resulting in a lot of stuff. You should check out the other stories, if you want some back story. More importantly, things are starting to heat up, and if I ever see Zuko again I'm gonna punch him in the nose for Amaya...