Entertain me with puns~

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A/N: So because the last chapter was really short, SashaL and I have come to an agreement on whether or not to post another one, so here's another one. Shout out to Tara, who's been asking for more uploads ;) We hear ya, so here's another one, and the next one will be whenever it happens xD  Enjoy!

The younger ones were all lying in a circle on their backs, cloud gazing, probably.

Momo skittered over, plopping down next to Katara. Jin was sitting in the shade next to Appa, fanning herself with a large leaf, and Mogui was a little distance from the main group.

Still sulking.

I sighed heavily to myself. It's not like I don't get where he's coming from, but seriously. This is a bit much.

Also, I don't think he really knew Amaya that well.

I mean, come on. She literally travelled with Zuko for months, and from Jin's accounts of things, she was the only person to make Zuko turn red in the face from trying not to laugh, only to fail, and then cry because he was laughing hard.

Iroh apparently almost had an asthma attack from laughing during that incident.

I'm fuzzy on the details, but it involved a cloud, a rainbow, and a chicken-goat. Apparently, the mere mention of the incident would set Iroh and Zuko off in a fit of giggles, and Amaya would just sigh deeply.

Jin giggled through the story, which is why the details are fuzzy. Pretty sure some details are just missing.

"What should we do today?" Aang questioned.

"I'm tapped out," Toph answered. "I already picked my toes. Twice."

"Twice?" Aang questioned.

"The first time was for cleaning," Toph explained. "But the second time's just for the sweet picking sensation."

"You know what... that's kinda nasty," Jin sighed.

"Sokka's been in charge of the schedule," Katara said. "I'm not sure what we should be doing."

"Plus, it's so hot today," Toph said, picking her nose.

"How hot is it?" Aang jokingly asked.

"I don't know," Toph deadpanned. "Real hot?"

"It's so hot, it's so hot... Momo is shedding like Appa!" Katara ran a hand over Momo, flicking tufts of fur from her fingers. "Huh, huh?"


"Wow," was all I could think to say. "That's pretty hot."

"I guess jokes don't run in the family," Aang scratched his head.

"Oh, everyone's a critic," Katara retorted.

"I mean, there were so many ways you could have gone with that," I sighed. "And you went for shedding? Two firebenders and a lavabender, and you go with shedding."

"They do say that wit is the highest form of intelligence," Jin commented.

"No, that's sarcasm," I responded. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence."

"If sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, wouldn't that make wit an even higher form of intelligence?" Jin responded.

I thought it over for a minute. "No, you're right."

"Thank you," she said, a slight grin as she continued to fan herself. "But it is hot."

"I'd try to tone it down, but sadly I'm just not able to control a natural force of this magma-tude," I waggled my eyebrows.

"Maybe you should let out some of that hot air swelling your head," she retorted.

"Ouch, she burns," I laughed.

"That's how you tell a joke," Aang chuckled.

"I can make a joke!" Katara said indignantly.

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