BAP! an Author note to make you annoyed because I can

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Hey All, welcome to Chapter 100 of this book. Unfortunately, this one is getting too long, and we have only completed 6 and a half episodes. And so, Like with Rock N Roll, we are splitting the book. Much thanks to the Fans that make this possible. We love you guys as much as you love us. Shout Out to Miss Amaya! She is the real driving force behind these books, and I wouldn't have kept it up without her. You can find the next part at "Accidental Avatar 3.5: The Burn Book" in my works.  

Ghomaya: WAIT A MINUTE! Are you telling me I'm tagged in this story, but I get NO SCREEN TIME! You people are the worst, how dare!
FakeMaya: I think you did great.

Ghomaya: Thank you.
AmayaDisapproves: Y'all need to calm down, right SashaL?"
SashaL: Those are your egos; I'm out.
AmayaDisapproves: Rude

Accidental Avatar 3: Totally LitWhere stories live. Discover now