Mistakes were made

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I turned to Mogui and Muteki, shaking my head at everything that had gone down this morning.

"You two, plus Toph, break camp," I turned to follow the others before turning back with a scowl on my face. "And if any of you take that literally, I will give you frostbite. Are we clear?"

"Crystal!" Muteki and Mogui said, saluting comically.

"Got it, Boss," Toph said cheerfully.

I don't like that. I feel like she's going to do something anyway.

I ran to catch up with the others, to see Mangetsu pointing out over the murky river, towards what looked like jet skis racing towards the village.

"Fire Nation soldiers," Mangetsu said calmly.

"What did you do?" Sokka demanded angrily, turning to Katara.

"I..." she had a sheepish expression as she toyed with a strand of hair. "Kind of destroyed their factory."

"You what?!" Sokka screamed.

"It was your idea!" Katara retorted.

"I was joking," Sokka gripped his hair furiously. "I also said to use spirit magic and made funny noises. Did you even think this through?"

"I did," Mangetsu piped up.

"Are you kidding me?" I snapped. "They're going to blame the villagers."

"Well, what were we supposed to do?" Katara demanded.

"I gave you my advice," Mangetsu said sullenly. "You and Aang decided to demolish the place. I said sabotage would be best. Done right, they would never suspect the village. They'd have up and left before long, likely believing the spirits really were interfering."

"That's not a half-bad idea," Sokka said, thoughtfully, before stomping his foot angrily. "But not the point. You should have just done nothing!"

"No!" Katara said angrily, rising to her full height. "I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me."

She turned to leave.

"Now what are you doing?" I demanded, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I'm going down to the village, and I'm going to do whatever I can."

The other three had caught up by this point and were watching the ongoings with confused expressions. Well, not Toph. She was just... there.

"Wait," Sokka grabbed Katara's arm. "I'm coming too."

"I thought you didn't want to help," Katara frowned.

"You need me," he said gently. "And I will never turn my back on you."

"Sokka," Katara said, tears in her eyes as she hugged her brother. "You really do have a heart."

"He really does have a heart, doesn't he?" Aang commented, looking over at Mangetsu for confirmation.

Mangetsu gave Aang a disgusted look, ducking away from the airbender who reached out to hug him, Toph following it up with a punch that knocked the airbender down.

The two high fived, and I pinched the bridge of my nose again.

"So..." Mogui and Muteki came over.

"What did we miss?" Muteki asked.

"Oh boy," I sighed.


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