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After my rude awakening in the middle of the night, courtesy of Muteki's foot, I was thankfully able to get just a little more sleep. Right now, we were actually looking for a specific island that Aang said we just had to visit because some previous Avatar had told him to do it.

In a dream.

I once dreamed that a giant rabbit wearing a pink tutu told me I had to pay him for a banana milkshake I never asked for.

But hey, random ghosts telling you to visit their home is less weird, I guess.

Aang was perched on Appa's neck, bending the water to appear as a cloud that moved around Appa and kept us from being seen. The island in question was a big ol', kinda desolate looking place with two volcanos.

"There it is," Aang said. "That's Roku's home."

"But there's nothing here," Katara said, confused.

"No," Muteki said softly. "It's like Pompeii. Buried in ash."

We landed, and Toph's expression became sad.

"He's right about that last part," she said. "I don't know what Pompeii is, but there is definitely a village here. Hundreds of houses, all completely buried in ash."

"Are there... are there any bodies?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't really want to know, but at the same time, I had this morbid curiosity that needed to be satiated.

"No, why would there be?" Toph asked.

"Pompeii was a city buried and perfectly preserved in ash," Mogui said solemnly. "People included."

"Oh," Sokka said softly.

"Dark," Mangetsu said. "But Aang, you wanted to come here for a reason?"

"Something about an old man in your head?" I appreciated Mangetsu's attempt at making the situation less grim. It seems everyone else did too.

Accidental Avatar 3: Totally LitWhere stories live. Discover now